AdvancedWorld is an expansion for the PlaceholderAPI Spigot plugin. This expansion aims to be a full implementation of the Paper API's world-related get methods. AdvancedWorld aims to be a feature-packed expansion, therefore various world-related methods might be added in the future which depend on other plugins to work, such as Vault.
Note that as the Paper API keeps expanding, some methods might be missing. Feel free to create a feature request to have a certain (world-related) get-method added.
The PlaceholderAPI plugin. Please see:
Some placeholders might require a dependency, such as Vault.
To-be added.
Placeholder | Usage | Dependency |
%world_name& | Retrieve the world name. | None |
This expansion is incompatible with any PAPI expansions that make use of the identifier 'world' e.g. %world_xxx%
To-be added.
To-be added (most-likely GPLV3).