Sometimes you need to test your OctoPrint plugin, API client or whatever you are building with virtual printer. This docker image contains clean install of OctoPrint 1.2.13. On first run you will be asked for new password.
Depends on your needs, you can build image yourself or use prebuilt. Prebuilt image is automated build. In both cases, demonstrated use cases runs on port 3200
This repository contains Dockerfile which allows you to build image on your own with following command:
docker build -t virtuprint .
This builds new image named virtuprint
. To create new container from this image, run:
docker run --rm --name myoctoprint -p3200:5000 virtuprint
Docker creted new container
If you are not interested in modifing Dockerfile or just more comfortable with pulling image, you can simply run:
docker run --rm --name myoctoprint -p3200:5000 josefdolezal/virtuprint-docker
The VirtuPrint Dockerfile is licensed under MIT.