This repository contains the data and code to replicate the results of the article:
- Estévez, J. L., & Nordlund, C. (2025). 'Revising the Borgatti-Everett Core-Periphery Model: Inter-Categorical Density Blocks and Partially Connected Cores'. Social Networks, 81, 31-51.
This repository aims to provide transparency and reproducibility for the results reported in the article. The main results reported in the paper were conducted in, the software developed to implement the modifications presented in the paper. Here is the code used to produce the same results. The results, in csv format can be found here. The analyses of such results, as well as the simulations and further tests were run in R. For that, we wrote similar functions using the core_periphery() function in NetUtils (0.8.2) as a template.
The results were obtained using R version 4.4.1 in RStudio 2024.04.02-764. The analysis relies on several dependencies, listed below with their respective versions:
- data.table (1.15.4)
- tidyverse (2.0.0)
- stringr (1.5.1)
- ggplot2 (3.5.1)
- purrr (1.0.2)
- ggpubr (0.6.0)
- patchwork (1.2.0)
- scales (1.3.0)
- igraph (2.0.3)
- sna (2.7-2)
- NetUtils (0.8.2)
- wCorr (1.9.8)
- glmmTMB (1.1.10)
- microbenchmark (1.4.10)
- ggeffects (1.7.1)
The repository includes four R scripts and a data folder:
- Ensure you have the required version of R and RStudio installed.
- Install the necessary packages using the specified versions.
- Notice that script 02_Analyses of SocNet results.R requires loading the data that is in the networks folder and the output from the software
This research was supported by NordForsk through the funding to "The Network Dynamics of Ethnic Integration", project number 105147. José Luis Estévez was also supported by the Research Council of Finland, grant numbers 360022, 364371, and 364382.
- Estévez, J. L., & Nordlund, C. (2025). 'Revising the Borgatti-Everett Core-Periphery Model: Inter-Categorical Density Blocks and Partially Connected Cores'. Social Networks, 81, 31-51.
For any questions, please contact:
- José Luis Estévez (
- Carl Nordlund (