Table Of Contents
- Introduction
- Live Demo
- Code Repositories
- API Documentaion
- Functionalities
- Technologies Utilized
- Project Setup
- Folder Structure
- Database Architecture
- API Payload
- Usage - Home Page
- Usage - Parts List
- Usage - New Part
- Usage - Edit Part
- Usage - Users List
- Usage - New User
- Usage - Edit User
- Usage - Notes List
- Usage - New Note
- Usage - Edit Note
- Usage - Tablet
- Testing
- Screenshotes
- Author
- Social Links
- Contributions
- License
If you would like to see my progress throughout the development of this application, please take a look at my posts on LinkedIn: here.
Electronics Inventory is a cutting-edge SAAS web app that efficiently organizes electronic lab inventory for both small businesses and individuals with ease. With its user-friendly interface, you can effortlessly keep track of thousands of small components and have complete command over your inventory from anywhere in the world. To take advantage of this revolutionary app, you must have an account.
Electronics inventory software is the best way to keep track of stock and ensure that your business has the right items in the right amounts.
It can provide you with real-time data on current stock levels and allow you to quickly and accurately reorder items when necessary.
It can also allow you to track and trace items from the moment they enter your inventory until the moment they are sold, providing you with an unprecedented level of visibility and control over your inventory.
Finally, electronics inventory software can help you easily manage pricing, discounts, returns, and other aspects of inventory management.
I am proud to say that I created this project from scratch as a capstone project for my career change into Software Engineering.
The user will have to log in to edit the inventory details.
The user can only edit/delete the inventory that they have access to.
All the data will be persistent and be stored in the Amazon cloud.
HTML5 - A markup language for creating web pages and web applications.
CSS3 - used for describing the presentation of a document written in a markup language.
Bootstrap - A free and open-source front-end web framework for designing websites and web applications quickly.
Node.js - Open-source, cross-platform JavaScript run-time environment for executing JavaScript code server-side.
Express.js - For building web applications and APIs and connecting middleware.
Joi - Used for schema description and data validation.
Swagger-UI/JSDOC - Powerful UI interface for documenting, testing and displaying API endpoints.
UMLs - Unified Modeling Language diagrams which illustrate the sequence of events between objects within this app.
REST - REST (REpresentational State Transfer) is an architectural style for developing web services.
MongoDB - Open-source cross-platform document-oriented NoSQL database program to store details like user info, campsites info and comments.
PassportJS - Authentication middleware for Node.js. Extremely flexible and modular, Passport can be unobtrusively dropped into any Express-based web application.
Data Associations - Associating user data with the respective campsites and comments using the reference method.
Render - Cloud platform as a service used as a web application deployment model.
AWS - Mongodb is hosted on Amazon ec2 instance.
Electronics inventory uses Javascript so you will need node.js installed to run this application, which includes downloading its dependencies. If you don't have node installed you can get that here.
You will also need git
installed on your computer. You can download it here.
Next, open a git bash wherever you would like to store electronics inventory and run:
git clone
Once you have the project on your local machine you will want to open it in a new terminal window and run:
npm install
This command will install the client-side dependencies, this may take a bit of time.
Once the installation of the dependencies is complete you can start the project by typing the following command:
npm run start
and you will have the development version of the frontend (client) application running on:
git clone
Once you have the project on your local machine you will want to open it in a new terminal window and run:
npm install
This command will install the server-side dependencies, this may take a bit of time.
Once the installation of the dependencies is complete you can start the project by typing the following command:
node server
and you will have the development version of the backend (server) application running on:
You will also need to setup a few environmental constants with a .env file like this:
CLIENT_URL = http://localhost:3000/
SERVER_URL= http://localhost:3500/
and then modify your "/config/allowedOrigins.js" file to suit your particular requirements.
Backend (Server) File Structure
I followed the MVC (Model-View-Controller) architectural pattern when laying out this application. It is an architectural pattern used in software engineering to separate the representation of information from the user's interaction with it.
The MVC format for Node.js involves separating application logic into three distinct components: Models, Views, and Controllers.
Models are responsible for managing data and business rules within an application. They handle interactions between a database and controller by performing CRUD operations on objects stored in memory or persisted in databases like MongoDB.
Views are responsible for displaying output to the user interface as HTML pages, written using EJS (Embedded JavaScript).
Controllers are responsible for coordinating models and views by responding to user input and making changes to data when required. It acts as a bridge between view layer (user interface) and model layer(data access layer). Controllers also contain request handlers that interpret requests coming from users via URLs/HTTP methods such as GET/POST.
Client (Frontend) Side Layout
Now that I've displayed the basics of the project, let me demonstrate some of its more intricate features.
"_id": { "$oid": "642affe8f215fc42000f1a5d" },
"user": { "$oid": "63e2d7733fe329d74d72c49d" },
"name": "NPN type transistors",
"description": "It is an NPN type transistor with an operating temperature range of -55 to 150 degrees Celsius. The component can dissipate 625 mW of power, giving it good thermal control for not being a MOSFET, which is designed for thermal dissipation.",
"qty": { "$numberInt": "6" },
"partType": "Transistor",
"createdAt": { "$date": { "$numberLong": "1680539624864" } },
"updatedAt": { "$date": { "$numberLong": "1693358908403" } },
"ticket2": { "$numberInt": "513" },
"__v": { "$numberInt": "49" },
"images": [
"_id": "e9a468f7479c58b8f17dd1dc384c77a9",
"url": "",
"fileName": "ElectronicsInventory/wzqkpczsn7sbehz7yzeu"
"_id": "b67495ca9fd06be537a7705a9beedd72",
"url": "",
"fileName": "ElectronicsInventory/iierofxtq7w73ds73xka"
"partNumber": "PN2222A",
"lotId": "XYZ123",
"serialNumber": "1234",
"manufacturer": "ON Semiconductors",
"updatedBy": "DEMO",
"mfgDate": "2023-03-12",
"backOrder": { "$numberInt": "2" },
"vendorName": "Smiths Supplies",
"partPackage": "Thru hole",
"partLocation": "A3",
"deletedImages": [],
"cost": { "$numberDouble": "7.89" },
"createdBy": "Josh"
Above is an example of the payload sent upon making a POST
request to the /parts route effectively creating a new part entry in the DB by utilizing the createNewPart controller.
"_id": { "$oid": "63e2d7733fe329d74d72c49d" },
"username": "Josh",
"password": "$secret_password",
"roles": ["Employee", "Manager", "Admin"],
"active": true,
"__v": { "$numberInt": "1" },
"colorMode": "",
"partsListView": "Table"
Above is an example of the payload sent upon making a POST
request to the /users route effectively creating a new user in the DB by utilizing the createNewUser controller.
"_id": { "$oid": "6425b2d01dd8b0dbf4b35408" },
"user": { "$oid": "63e2d7733fe329d74d72c49d" },
"title": "Purchase 10pc - 240V 50A transformers",
"text": "Per spec: 36F-6908492 (Allied Motors)",
"completed": false,
"createdAt": { "$date": { "$numberLong": "1680192208331" } },
"updatedAt": { "$date": { "$numberLong": "1692809451199" } },
"ticket": { "$numberInt": "516" },
"__v": { "$numberInt": "0" }
Above is an example of the payload that gets sent upon making a POST
request to the /notes route, effectively creating a new note in the DB by utilizing the createNewNote controller.
This is the home page of the electronics inventory system dashboard. Clicking one of the links on the lefthand sidebar will take you to their respective page.
While in the inventory page tab, you will be met with your entire electronics inventory in table form. Clicking on a part row in a table will open a new window displaying all the current information regarding that specific part.
I have written some unit tests to check the helper functions in my project, which ensure that information is correctly transferred from the backend to the frontend. Although these tests do not cover all aspects of my project or test any of its React components, they are still useful for verifying correct functionality.
Tests can be found in the electronics-inventory-frontend folder /electronics-inventory-frontend/src/__tests__
While in the root folder, running npm run test
in the terminal will run the tests I currently have setup.
Joshua Lehman
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check issues page. You can also take a look at the contributing guide.
Give a ⭐️ if this project helped you!
Copyright © 2023 Joshua Lehman.
This project is ISC licensed.