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Tags: joyent/conch-api



Release v3.2.3

[PR #1089](#1089) - `infer data from device reports to populate hardware product`
* Branch: ether/report-to-hardware_product
* Revision: 8e2a1f8

* Labels: api, database, device reports, enhancement, validation
> - add a mandatory "report_version" property to device reports
> - cpu_type is made optional in reports and nullable in the database
> - allow supplying a sample (passing) device report to the hardware_product creation and update endpoints, to infer data where we can from that report rather than having to supply it diirectly (direct overrides are still allowed)
> closes #1086.

* Author: [karenetheridge](
* Reviewed By: [perigrin - APPROVED](#1089 (review))
* Merged By: [karenetheridge](
* Merged: 2021-01-19T18:04:40Z


* [943121](943121e) - `fix method name in validation tests`
* [ffe780](ffe7804) - `add "default" annotations for hardware_product`
* [df5ade](df5ade1) - `move back the version where this change is expected`
* [dcb83c](dcb83cd) - `add mandatory "report_version" property to device reports`
* [999a5c](999a5cc) - `cpu_type is not currently used, so make it nullable`
* [77eaac](77eaaca) - `ensure :5.16 features are imported by Mojo::Base`
* [ebbeca](ebbecaf) - `infer some hardware_product values from a sample device report`

- - -


Release v3.2.2

[PR #1084](#1084) - `hardware_products + json_schemas`
* Branch: ether/v3.2-hardware_product_json_schemas
* Revision: 114be7c

* Labels: api, database, enhancement, needs-shell, needs-ui,
> Add database and api endpoint support for associating json_schemas with hardware_products
> new endpoints:
> - POST /hardware_product/:hardware_product_id_or_other/json_schema/:json_schema_id
> - POST /hardware_product/:hardware_product_id_or_other/json_schema/:json_schema_type/:json_schema_name/:json_schema_version
> - GET /hardware_product/:hardware_product_id_or_other/json_schema
> - DELETE /hardware_product/:hardware_product_id_or_other/json_schema/:json_schema_id
> - DELETE /hardware_product/:hardware_product_id_or_other/json_schema/:json_schema_type/:json_schema_name/:json_schema_version
> - DELETE /hardware_product/:hardware_product_id_or_other/json_schema
> Also add ?with_hardware_products=1 option to GET /json_schema/:type/... endpoints
> for listing the hardware_products that make use of that JSON Schema.

* Author: [karenetheridge](
* Reviewed By: [dustinryerson - DISMISSED](#1084 (review))
* Reviewed By: [perigrin - DISMISSED](#1084 (review))
* Merged By: [karenetheridge](
* Merged: 2021-01-14T18:29:20Z


* [5886dd](5886dd8) - `add hardware_product_json_schema table`
* [2a782a](2a782a7) - `endpoints for associating json_schemas with hardware_products`

- - -

[PR #1090](#1090) - `v3.2.2 fixes`
* Branch: ether/v3.2.2-fixes
* Revision: f2885c6

* Labels: api, docs
> - remove code that should have been removed a few weeks ago
> - more doc fixes
> - disable POST /user/me until joyent/conch-ui#303 is fixed
> - send mail to the old address as well as the new one when changing a user's email address

* Author: [karenetheridge](

* Merged By: [karenetheridge](
* Merged: 2021-01-19T00:45:21Z


* [973140](973140d) - `remove hack code for GET /hardware_product/specification/latest`
* [de20b2](de20b2a) - `fix docs`
* [26fc1b](26fc1bb) - `disable POST /user/me for admins until the underlying issue is fixed`
* [7d9117](7d9117e) - `if a user's email address is changed, also send an email to the old address`

- - -


Release v3.2.1

[PR #1081](#1081) - `skip users with a duplicate email address that were created since the dbs diverged`
* Branch: ether/fix-copy_user_data
* Revision: ea7abdf

* Labels: bug
> fixes #1080.

* Author: [karenetheridge](

* Merged By: [karenetheridge](
* Merged: 2021-01-07T20:25:13Z


* [28576c](28576c3) - `skip users with a duplicate email address that were created since the dbs diverged`

- - -

[PR #1082](#1082) - `small fixes`
* Branch: ether/v3.2-small-fixes
* Revision: d2eb4e0

* Labels: api, bug, docs
> - fix some disrepancies in the api documentation
> - use url_for() consistency when setting Location header
> - assert in tests that json booleans are really json booleans, not integers
> - add more annotations in request schemas to assist clients when generating forms and results
> - improve exception handling
> - fix POST /device_report?no_save_db=1 with existing devices

* Author: [karenetheridge](

* Merged By: [karenetheridge](
* Merged: 2021-01-08T17:52:14Z


* [1813ec](1813ec9) - `fix documentation`
* [1a080e](1a080ec) - `use url_for() consistently when setting Location header`
* [f590e4](f590e4a) - `assert that json booleans are real booleans, not integer 0, 1`
* [489313](4893130) - `add more annotations to assist clients when generating forms and results`
* [f0d52d](f0d52d8) - `try a bit harder to surface unexpected exceptions`
* [e7ec44](e7ec448) - `also test POST /device_report?no_save_db=1 with existing devices`

- - -

[PR #1083](#1083) - `add "latest" flag to json_schema description responses`
* Branch: ether/v3.2-json_schema-latest-flag
* Revision: 545b54a

* Labels: api, enhancement
> - add "latest" flag to responses containing metadata for json_schemas
> - specify json schema $id more exactly

* Author: [karenetheridge](

* Merged By: [karenetheridge](
* Merged: 2021-01-08T18:30:23Z


* [a93c08](a93c08e) - `add "latest" flag to responses containing metadata for json_schemas`
* [447a9c](447a9cf) - `specify json schema $id more exactly`

- - -

[PR #1087](#1087) - `v3.2.1 fixes`
* Branch: ether/v3.2.1-fixes
* Revision: dcf55c4

* Labels: api, bug, docs
> - properly parse X-Conch-UI header with only 2 version components.
> - more docs for testing local deployments

* Author: [karenetheridge](

* Merged By: [karenetheridge](
* Merged: 2021-01-13T20:14:10Z


* [512989](5129893) - `if password or token is contained in payload, log the payload but with redactions`
* [3f4674](3f4674e) - `parse Conch-UI versions lacking a third component, and include the error in the response`
* [fec613](fec6139) - `document how to generate credentials in the local database for testing purposes`

- - -


Conch API release v3.2

[PR #1074](#1074) - `v3.1.2 minor fixes`
* Branch: ether/v3.1.1-minor-fixes
* Revision: 0298194

* Labels: bug
* Author: [karenetheridge](

* Merged By: [karenetheridge](
* Merged: 2020-12-10T19:43:03Z


* [5dd0ec](5dd0ec0) - `fix handling of these exceptions`
* [823c6b](823c6b9) - `two spaces good, four spaces bad`

- - -

[PR #1076](#1076) - `also add title, readOnly annotations to HardwareProducts`
* Branch: ether/hardware_products-annotations
* Revision: 7a808dc

* Labels: api
> ...matching the changes made in 6d29f50 (PR #1069)

* Author: [karenetheridge](

* Merged By: [karenetheridge](
* Merged: 2021-01-04T20:24:04Z


* [56fecf](56fecf5) - `also add title, readOnly annotations to HardwareProducts`

- - -

[PR #1075](#1075) - `v3.2: json schema CRUD endpoints`
* Branch: ether/v3.2-json_schema-crud-endpoints
* Revision: b5217d8

* Labels: api, database, enhancement,
> - new json_schema database table
> - new endpoints for creating, deleting, fetching json schemas
> POST /json_schema/:type/:name
> GET /json_schema/:id
> GET /json_schema/:type/:name/:version
> GET /json_schema/:type/:name/latest
> DELETE /json_schema/:id and /json_schema/:type/:name/:version (not /latest)
> - changes to /json_schema/hardware_product/specification and individual hardware_product.specification fields are cross-checked against each other

* Author: [karenetheridge](

* Merged By: [karenetheridge](
* Merged: 2021-01-04T22:02:49Z


* [9e2ec2](9e2ec2d) - `update JSD2 and Mojolicious`
* [3cedaa](3cedaa2) - `rename this action, in preparation for adding more`
* [8ce3c0](8ce3c0d) - `add json_schema table`
* [30c6d3](30c6d31) - `endpoints for creating, deleting, fetching json schemas`
* [38e0ca](38e0ca3) - `coordinate changes to /json_schema/hardware_product/specification and individual hardware_product.specification fields`
* [7cd410](7cd4107) - `allow fetching JSON Schemas (body, or metadata) even when deactivated`

- - -

[PR #1077](#1077) - `generate new validation results`
* Branch: ether/v3.2-new-validation_results
* Revision: 23c8316

* Labels: api, breaking, database, enhancement, needs-shell, needs-ui,
> Support the possibility of new-style validation results in the endpoints that return them, and move aside the legacy validation tables.
> Attention clients: device SSJ18115546 in staging will contain both old- and new-style validation results, for the purposes of testing.

* Author: [karenetheridge](

* Merged By: [karenetheridge](
* Merged: 2021-01-05T22:49:04Z


* [03f986](03f9862) - `move aside old validation results, preserving contents`
* [c95c85](c95c85f) - `move aside old validation tables`
* [a28628](a28628a) - `create new validation_result and validation_state_member tables`
* [f81243](f812431) - `add title annotations for legacy validation results`
* [2707ae](2707ae1) - `also include new validation results in validation_state queries`
* [c6c5e5](c6c5e53) - `development tool for creating new validation_results for testing`

- - -


Conch API v3.1.1

[PR #1071](#1071) - `v3.1.1 fixes`
* Branch: ether/v3.1.1-fixes
* Revision: 11b76ee

* Labels: api, database, docs
> - fix titles for these specification fields
> - make the temporary hack endpoint (for hardware_product.specification) work exactly like its real replacement will
> - make hardware_product.specification not nullable

* Author: [karenetheridge](

* Merged By: [karenetheridge](
* Merged: 2020-12-03T20:16:39Z


* [d5cb47](d5cb479) - `fix titles for these specification fields`
* [80a2ca](80a2ca5) - `make this temporary hack endpoint work exactly like its real replacement will`
* [8806a8](8806a80) - `make hardware_product.specification not nullable`

- - -

[PR #1072](#1072) - `return 201 not 303`
* Branch: ether/return-201-not-303
* Revision: ede58be

* Labels: api, breaking, needs-shell, needs-ui
> return 201 or 204 instead of 303 for most POST requests
> (the URL of the created/updated resource is still in the Location header)

* Author: [karenetheridge](
* Reviewed By: [perigrin - COMMENTED](#1072 (review))
* Reviewed By: [perigrin - DISMISSED](#1072 (review))
* Reviewed By: [dustinryerson - APPROVED](#1072 (review))
* Merged By: [karenetheridge](
* Merged: 2020-12-07T23:21:45Z


* [1edee7](1edee76) - `fix status_is test`
* [edd92a](edd92a6) - `return 201 or 204 instead of 303 for most POST requests`
* [6f0d9a](6f0d9a6) - `also include Location header in these DELETE endpoints`

- - -

[PR #1073](#1073) - `v3.1.1 more fixes`
* Branch: ether/v3.1.1-more-fixes
* Revision: 1bfcdb1

* Labels: docs, refactor
> internal fixes, mostly relating to JSON Schema handling.

* Author: [karenetheridge](

* Merged By: [karenetheridge](
* Merged: 2020-12-08T19:11:08Z


* [e0aaeb](e0aaebf) - `add a banner, e.g. for printing on console start`
* [e906c0](e906c02) - `disallow go-style "null" datetimes in request payloads`
* [693765](693765b) - `use the same YAML decoder for JSON translation as we use internally`
* [299e93](299e936) - `blow up with graceful error if YAML is not parseable`
* [764be8](764be8e) - `doc fixes`
* [b23f65](b23f652) - `update Mojolicious`
* [105035](105035d) - `update JSD2`

- - -


Conch API release v3.1

[PR #1069](#1069) - `add hardware product specification annotations`
* Branch: ether/hardware_product-specification-annotations
* Revision: 9ee8a2c

* Labels: api, enhancement
> - add titles for all hardware_product properties, for requests and responses
> ..and readOnly on properties in responses that cannot be provided in requests.
> Also noted is that many properties are slated to be moved by v3.2.
> - handle GET /json_schema/hardware_product/specification/latest
> By v3.2 this will be handled directly by the get-schema-from-database endpoint and the content will
> be dynamic; for now, just redirect to the endpoint which fetches the schema from disk.

* Author: [karenetheridge](

* Merged By: [karenetheridge](
* Merged: 2020-11-30T21:13:29Z


* [6d29f5](6d29f50) - `add titles for all hardware_product properties, for requests and responses`
* [2cd7fe](2cd7fed) - `handle GET /json_schema/hardware_product/specification/latest`

- - -

[PR #1070](#1070) - `minor fixes for v3.1 release`
* Branch: ether/v3.1-minor-fixes
* Revision: 2a05333

* Labels: api
* Author: [karenetheridge](

* Merged By: [karenetheridge](
* Merged: 2020-11-30T21:28:42Z


* [6a3397](6a33979) - `tighten up some tests`
* [1090fc](1090fc6) - `remove mention of tables that only temporarily exist, and only on production systems`
* [483813](4838137) - `factor out unneeded explicit typecasts in database queries`
* [8ce737](8ce7379) - `error gracefully if the user does not exist`
* [9ece96](9ece960) - `add next::XS, a speed boost to next::method`
* [dbd5ce](dbd5ce7) - `add method to deprecation message sent to rollbar`
* [ab8f7b](ab8f7b1) - `doc fix`
* [d200da](d200da5) - `allow for $schema to be something else other than the main draft metaspec`
* [a98180](a981801) - `tighten these schemas`

- - -


Release v3.0.8

[PR #1066](#1066) - `json validation cleanup, part 1`
* Branch: ether/json-validation-cleanup1
* Revision: eaf84c1

* Labels: refactor
> phase 1 of cleaning up how we do JSON validation internally

* Author: [karenetheridge](

* Merged By: [karenetheridge](
* Merged: 2020-11-19T18:24:31Z


* [11384e](11384e1) - `render these validation failure log messages nicer`
* [dac184](dac1847) - `add a few more basic checks for http standards conformance`
* [93ff39](93ff391) - `remove numeric coercion in query_params validation`
* [bf6724](bf67241) - `apply defaults when parsing query parameters`
* [ef5556](ef5556f) - `eliminate some unneeded local variables`
* [b03734](b03734b) - `support $t->json_schema_is('http...')`
* [f308f3](f308f34) - `s/definitions/$defs/ in all JSON schemas`

- - -

[PR #1067](#1067) - `json validation cleanup, part 2`
* Branch: ether/json-validation-cleanup2
* Revision: 546f7e3

* Labels: api, enhancement, refactor
> - remove all uses of JSON::Validator and switch to JSON::Schema::Draft201909 (which also moves us from using the draft 07 to draft 2019-09 JSON Schema specification)
> - and many schema cleanups as a side effect of the upgrade

* Author: [karenetheridge](

* Merged By: [karenetheridge](
* Merged: 2020-11-24T20:09:38Z


* [06bb36](06bb367) - `convert all JSON Schema validation functionality from JSON::Validator to JSON::Schema::Draft201909`
* [b03bf7](b03bf71) - `optimize schemas for draft2019-09 semantics`
* [945533](945533c) - `use a stricter metaschema for our schemas`
* [2c8023](2c8023a) - `fully resolve the schema URI that is returned in validation errors`
* [50036a](50036af) - `tighten these schemas`
* [5089db](5089dba) - `loosen schema for response device report format`
* [a9b073](a9b073a) - `fix errors in (commented-out portion of) rollbar payload schema`
* [820dc6](820dc61) - `modularize some schema definitions for reuse`
* [8b6ce6](8b6ce6c) - `use more compact list syntax`

- - -

[PR #1068](#1068) - `json validation cleanup, part 3`
* Branch: ether/json-validation-cleanup3
* Revision: 452beea

* Labels: api, refactor
> Validate query parameters, request response body payloads in one place consistently and generate relevant error responses on failure - moves declaration of json schema definitions outside of controllers and into the route definitions.

* Author: [karenetheridge](

* Merged By: [karenetheridge](
* Merged: 2020-11-24T22:16:37Z


* [0fcb08](0fcb08f) - `validate query params and request body payload in a hook, configured via the stash`
* [fc0c21](fc0c213) - `declare some request schema validations for those endpoints that lacked it`
* [2c0d74](2c0d74f) - `validate_all_requests feature, to be used in development and staging environments`
* [5ef663](5ef663c) - `validate_all_responses feature, to be used in development and staging environments`
* [873e5b](873e5b6) - `add Link header, describing the structure of the response`

- - -


Release v3.0.7

[PR #1062](#1062) - `remove deprecated validation endpoints`
* Branch: ether/deprecated-validation-endpoints
* Revision: bb44813

* Labels: api, breaking, database, needs-shell, needs-ui
> drop redundant validation_state.validation_plan_id
> affects endpoints:
> - POST /device_report
> - POST /device/:id_or_serial_number/validation_plan/:validation_plan_id
> - POST /device/:id_or_serial_number/validation/:validation_id
> - GET /device/:id_or_serial_number/validation_state
> remove deprecated /validation endpoints:
> - GET /validation
> - GET /validation/:id

* Author: [karenetheridge](

* Merged By: [karenetheridge](
* Merged: 2020-11-16T16:46:38Z


* [9fe51e](9fe51e7) - `drop redundant validation_state.validation_plan_id`
* [f4df98](f4df985) - `remove deprecated /validation endpoints`

- - -

[PR #1063](#1063) - `Remove all traces of workspaces from the system.`
* Branch: ether/goodbye-workspaces
* Revision: b150e2d

* Labels: api, breaking, database, needs-shell, needs-ui
> remove workspace tables and all queries to them:
> - user_workspace_role
> - workspace
> - workspace_rack
> removed endpoints:
> - GET /workspace
> - GET /workspace/:workspace_id_or_name
> - GET /workspace/:workspace_id_or_name/child
> - POST /workspace/:workspace_id_or_name/child?send_mail=<1|0>
> - GET /workspace/:workspace_id_or_name/device?<various query params>
> - GET /workspace/:workspace_id_or_name/device/pxe
> - GET /workspace/:workspace_id_or_name/device-totals
> - GET /workspace/:workspace_id_or_name/rack
> - POST /workspace/:workspace_id_or_name/rack
> - DELETE /workspace/:workspace_id_or_name/rack/:rack_id
> - GET /workspace/:workspace_id_or_name/relay
> - GET /workspace/:workspace_id_or_name/relay/:relay_id/device
> - GET /workspace/:workspace_id_or_name/user
> - POST /workspace/:workspace_id_or_name/user?send_mail=<1|0>
> - DELETE /workspace/:workspace_id_or_name/user/:target_user_id_or_email?send_mail=<1|0>
> also affects output in endpoints:
> - GET /user/me
> - GET /user/:target_user_id_or_email
> removed scripts and commands:
> - bin/conch check_workspace_racks
> - bin/conch clean_roles
> - bin/conch workspace_to_build
> - bin/conch workspaces
> - bin/conch-db create-global-workspace

* Author: [karenetheridge](

* Merged By: [karenetheridge](
* Merged: 2020-11-16T18:28:03Z


* [a1258d](a1258d1) - `Remove all traces of workspaces from the system.`

- - -

[PR #1064](#1064) - `v3.0.7 misc fixes`
* Branch: ether/v3.0.7-fixes
* Revision: eff7296

> - fix some uninitialized warnings
> - fix --help text in a few command line scripts
> - remove script that is no longer needed

* Author: [karenetheridge](

* Merged By: [karenetheridge](
* Merged: 2020-11-16T19:09:04Z


* [8e4366](8e43660) - `fix lack of autovivification when config is undefined`
* [671060](6710604) - `fix uninitialized warning in dry run mode; total report count`
* [55ca93](55ca93d) - `fix --help text`
* [2381db](2381db4) - `remove one-off script used in v3 launch`

- - -

[PR #1065](#1065) - `include validation name, version, description in all ValidationResults`
* Branch: ether/fix-validation-results
* Revision: d9c3358

* Labels: api
> This was an oversight when the fields were added in PR #1033 (v3.0.2)
> affects endpoints:
>     POST /device/:device_id_or_serial_number/validation/:validation_id
>     POST /device/:device_id_or_serial_number/validation_plan/:validation_plan_id
>     POST /device_report?no_update_db=1

* Author: [karenetheridge](

* Merged By: [karenetheridge](
* Merged: 2020-11-18T22:19:42Z


* [499c07](499c07d) - `include validation name, version, description in all ValidationResults`

- - -


Release v3.0.6

[PR #1056](#1056) - `deprecate legacy validation endpoints`
* Branch: ether/legacy-validation-endpoints
* Revision: f1aa60d

* Labels: api, breaking, needs-shell, needs-ui
> Nothing is removed yet, but clients should be getting off these endpoints/relying on these properties ASAP.
> - deprecate GET /validation and GET /validation/:id, to be removed by v3.1
> - deprecate old "test validation" endpoints, to be removed by v3.3
> - hardware_product.validation_plan_id is deprecated and will be removed soon
> - validation_plan_id will be removed from validation results by v3.1
> - deprecate all /validation_plan routes, to be removed in v4.0

* Author: [karenetheridge](
* Reviewed By: [dustinryerson - DISMISSED](#1056 (review))
* Reviewed By: [perigrin - DISMISSED](#1056 (review))
* Merged By: [karenetheridge](
* Merged: 2020-11-10T19:21:31Z


* [5d63aa](5d63aa6) - `move /validation_plan and /validation_state routes off to their own files`
* [2a7454](2a74546) - `deprecate GET /validation and GET /validation/:id, to be removed in v3.1`
* [9860ff](9860ff9) - `deprecate old "test validation" endpoints, to be removed in v4.0`
* [7cf1f5](7cf1f50) - `hardware_product.validation_plan_id is deprecated and will be removed soon`
* [3eba9b](3eba9b7) - `"validation_plan_id" property will be removed from validation results in v3.1`
* [201263](2012639) - `deprecate all /validation_plan routes, to be removed in v4.0`
* [db2e31](db2e313) - `rename validation result json schemas as s/^/Legacy/.`

- - -

[PR #1058](#1058) - `endpoint improvements`
* Branch: ether/simplified-users
* Revision: 7661949

* Labels: api, breaking, enhancement
> - remove organization and build data from from GET /user
> - fix query parameter specification -- allow ?ids_only=0&serials_only=0
> - add ?phase=value option to GET /build/:id_or_name/device
> - add ?phase=value, ?ids_only options to GET /build/:id_or_name/rack

* Author: [karenetheridge](
* Reviewed By: [perigrin - DISMISSED](#1058 (review))
* Reviewed By: [dustinryerson - DISMISSED](#1058 (review))
* Merged By: [karenetheridge](
* Merged: 2020-11-12T16:23:17Z


* [794484](7944847) - `remove organization and build data from from GET /user`
* [8d5473](8d54739) - `fix query parameter specification -- allow ?ids_only=0&serials_only=0`
* [7f1017](7f10176) - `add ?phase=value option to GET /build/:id_or_name/device`
* [3508bf](3508bff) - `add ?phase=value, ?ids_only options to GET /build/:id_or_name/rack`

- - -

[PR #1059](#1059) - `Add completed_status to build table`
* Branch: ether/build-completed_status
* Revision: 163dd8c

* Labels: api, database, enhancement
> add build.completed_status
> be returned in payloads for
> GET /build/:id_or_name
> GET /build
> Now a build can be completed even if it has unhealthy devices.
> build.completed_status = 'success' iff all devices are healthy,
> and 'failure' otherwise.

* Author: [karenetheridge](
* Reviewed By: [perigrin - APPROVED](#1059 (review))
* Reviewed By: [dustinryerson - APPROVED](#1059 (review))
* Merged By: [karenetheridge](
* Merged: 2020-11-12T19:47:13Z


* [ff3797](ff3797d) - `use a separate json schema for each action in the route chain`
* [f952b2](f952b2a) - `include database constraints in Build json schema`
* [0fa781](0fa781a) - `add build.completed_status`

- - -

[PR #1060](#1060) - `delete old device reports`
* Branch: ether/thin-device-reports
* Revision: 9efc2c2

* Labels: database, device reports
> We will delete all device reports (and associated validation_state records,
> and then orphaned validation_results) that are older than 6 months, except we
> retain the most recent report of each state (error, fail, pass).
> Due to the amount of time to run (6+ hours), it is implemented mainly as a
> command that can be run in parallel with normal operations, rather than as a
> database migration that is run in between system restarts.

* Author: [karenetheridge](

* Merged By: [karenetheridge](
* Merged: 2020-11-12T19:53:23Z


* [569c62](569c623) - `delete old device reports`

- - -

[PR #1061](#1061) - `fix migration for build.completed_status`
* Branch: ether/fix-completed-builds
* Revision: 4077281

* Labels: bug, database
* Author: [karenetheridge](

* Merged By: [karenetheridge](
* Merged: 2020-11-12T20:40:47Z


* [668d2a](668d2a8) - `fix migration for build.completed_status`

- - -


Release v3.0.5

[PR #1055](#1055) - `fix bad schema for GET /build query parameters`
* Branch: ether/fix-json-schema
* Revision: faa25c0

* Labels: bug
* Author: [karenetheridge](

* Merged By: [karenetheridge](
* Merged: 2020-10-29T21:34:57Z


* [7b4fbc](7b4fbc0) - `fix bad schema for GET /build query parameters`

- - -

[PR #1057](#1057) - `restore index on validation_state that was recently lost`
* Branch: ether/missing-validation_state-index
* Revision: c90f582

* Labels: database
* Author: [karenetheridge](

* Merged By: [karenetheridge](
* Merged: 2020-11-02T17:00:20Z


* [ed1043](ed10438) - `restore index on validation_state that was recently lost`

- - -