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MCS Poll Voting System

MCS Project with Prof. Zingaro and Ilir

InstallationProject StructureArchitectureRunning the App (Server)Running the App (Locally)Updating the App


  1. Install the following requirements
  • Yarn >= 2+
  • Node 14.17.0
  • Latest version of Docker and Docker-Compose
  1. Install the dependencies for the client
cd client
yarn install
  1. Install the dependencies for the server
cd server
yarn install

Project Structure

Note: Only the core files & directories are listed below

├── server
|   |── controllers
|   |   |── pollController.ts
|   |   |── socketController.ts
|   |   └── userController.ts
|   |── db
|   |   |── mongoose.ts
|   |   └── schema.ts               # Contains all database related schemas to store poll & student data
|   |── routes
|   |   |── pollRoute.ts
|   |   └── userRoutes.ts
|   |── redis.ts                    # Redis related configurations to setup the professor list
|   |── server.ts
|   └── socket.ts
├── client
│   ├── public                      # All public facing assets/files
│   │   ├── index.html
│   │   ├── newQuestions.wav
│   │   ├── favicon.ico
│   ├── components
│   │   ├── Button
│   │   ├── Chart
│   │   ├── FormInput
│   │   ├── Header
│   │   ├── Modal
│   │   ├── Navbar
│   │   ├── PollCode
│   │   ├── PollCodeSegment         # Subcomponent of PollCode
│   │   └── PollOptionButton
│   ├── pages
│   │   ├── CreatePoll
│   │   ├── JoinPoll
│   │   ├── PastPolls              
│   │   ├── ProfHome              
│   │   ├── VoteControls              
│   │   ├── VotePage              
│   ├── socket.ts                   
│   ├── axios.ts                    
│   └── App.tsx                     # Starting point of the client
├──                       # You are here! 
├── nginx.conf                      # Configuration for nginx proxy 
└── docker-compose.yml              # Running the entire application (Redis, Client, Server, DB, Proxy)


Note: The client, proxy, server, database and cache are all running in separate containers image

General Flow:

  1. Students/Professors sign in through Shibboleth
  2. If a professor's utorid is found in Redis, then they'll be redirected to the professor page
  3. Voting is done through (Pass through the nginx proxy)
  4. All other methods of communication are through the Axios HTTP client (i.e. Fetching previous poll data) (Pass through the nginx proxy)
  5. All poll and student data is stored on MongoDB

Running the app (on a server)

Note: The app installation assumes you already have Shibboleth installed on the server.

  1. Setting up the client .env file (Placed in the root of your client folder)
  1. Setting up the server .env file (Placed in the root of your server folder)
  1. Add instructor Utorid's to your whitelist file. It should be placed at the root of the server folder.

Your whitelist file should be named "whitelist" and should look like the following...

  1. Running the entire app
docker-compose up --build -d

Running the app (Locally/Debugging Purposes)

Mongo and Redis Setup

  1. Open the docker-compose.yml file and comment out all services except caching and mongodb

  2. Running Redis and Mongo

docker-compose up --build -d

Client Setup

  1. Setting up the client .env file (Placed in the root of your client folder)
  1. Setting up axios.ts

Note: Since we're running poll voting app locally, we'll need to provide some extra information that normally Shibboleth would provide to us.

Your axios.ts file should look like the following:

export const instance = axios.create({
  headers: { utorid: "utorid" },
  baseURL: `${process.env.REACT_APP_BACKEND_URL}`,
  1. Setting up socket.ts

Note: Since we're running poll voting app locally, we'll need to provide some extra information that normally Shibboleth would provide to us.

Your socket.ts file should look like the following:

export const socket = io(`${process.env.REACT_APP_BACKEND_URL}`, {
  withCredentials: true,
  extraHeaders: { utorid: "utorid" }
  1. Running the client
yarn run start

Server Setup

  1. Add instructor Utorid's to your whitelist file. It should be placed at the root of the server folder.

Your whitelist file should be named "whitelist" and should look like the following...

  1. Setting up the server .env file (Placed in the root of your server folder)
  1. Running the server
yarn run start

The client and server will be listening and serving on port 3000 and 3001 respectively.

Updating the App

If there's a new version of the app available, then do the following...

  1. Pull the latest version of the app from Github (Make sure you're on the main branch)
git pull
  1. Stop the app

Stopping the app won't purge any data. The data will persist and only the client and server will rebuild when re-launching

docker-compose down
  1. Re-Launch the app
docker-compose up --build -d


MCS Project with Prof. Zingaro and Prof. Ilir







No packages published


  • TypeScript 89.3%
  • Python 4.3%
  • HTML 3.4%
  • JavaScript 1.4%
  • Dockerfile 1.1%
  • CSS 0.4%
  • Shell 0.1%