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WLogicEngine32 1.0

Code originally by Joymonkey, updated by Rimim. With portions inspired by / lifted from IOIIOOO, Curiousmarc, Mowee, Flthymcnasty, and others!

Works with WReactor32 Boards (ESP32 - Lolin D32 Pro).


You can find the Astromech parts run for the RSeries LogicEngine here:

Firmware is updatable via an SD card (or OTA through the web interface). For future updates, copy the new LEngine.bin firmware file onto an SD card, insert it and on the next power-up the board will update itself. This makes it much simpler for the average builder to update as you no longer need a full Arduino development environment set up just to compile and upload an update. The firmware will be deleted from the SD card after a successful update.

Logic settings are adjustable using the buttons and trimpot on the board, so a droid can easily be configured with different color palettes, brightness levels and pattern speeds.

You can find more information on the Wiki here:


Arduino IDE: (1.8.13 or higher) FastLED: (3.5.0 or higher) Reeltwo: (1.1 or higher)

The default WiFi credentials are:

Password: Astromech

You can and should change this using the web interface. The default web address of the firmware is

If you hold the WiFi Reset button for >2 seconds it will toggle the WiFi on/off and reboot the board.

If you hold the WiFi Reset button for >5 seconds it will reset the WiFi credentials to the default and enable WiFi.

The Serial1 TTL header is by default a Marcduino serial command receiver running at 9600 baud. It will forward any serial data to Serial2 at 9600 baud. Allowing you to daisy chain the WLogicEngine32 board with other Marcdunio compatible serial devices.

I2C does not work. As the ESP32 can only act as an I2C master device (address 0).

Marcduino Commands Supported

The prefix @ is optional and is ignored. All Marcduino commands are terminated by \r (carriage return).

@1T1 - Front Logics set to Normal

@1T2 - Front Logics set to Flashing Color (06)

@1T3 - Front Logics set to Alarm (01)

@1T4 - Front Logics set to Failure (02)

@1T5 - Front Logics set to Red Alert (11)

@1T6 - Front Logics set to Leia (03)

@1T11 - Front Logics set to March (04)

@2T1 - Rear Logics set to Normal

@2T2 - Rear Logics set to Flashing Color (06)

@2T3 - Rear Logics set to Alarm (01)

@2T4 - Rear Logics set to Failure (02)

@2T5 - Rear Logics set to Red Alert (11)

@2T6 - Rear Logics set to Leia (03)

@2T11 - Rear Logics set to March (04)

@0T1 - All Logics set to Normal

@0T2 - All Logics set to Flashing Color (06)

@0T3 - All Logics set to Alarm (01)

@0T4 - All Logics set to Failure (02)

@0T5 - All Logics set to Red Alert (11)

@0T6 - All Logics set to Leia (03)

@0T11 - All Logics set to March (04)

@1MHello - Set top front logics text to "Hello" and scroll left

@2MWorld - Set bottom front logics text to "World" and scroll left

@3MAstromech - Set rear logics text to "Astromech" and scroll left

@1P60 - Set front logics font to Latin

@2P60 - Set front logics font to Latin

@3P60 - Set rear logics font to Latin

@1P61 - Set front logics font to Aurabesh

@2P61 - Set front logics font to Aurabesh

@3P61 - Set rear logics font to Aurabesh

WLogicEngine32 specific Marcduino commands

Additional you can select a sequence to run by sending:

~RTLE followed by a integer in this format LEECSNN

L - the logic designator - if not provided, defaults to 0 (all)

0 - All
1 - Front
2 - Rear

EE - the effect - use two digits if logic designator provided

00 - Reset to Normal
01 - Alarm - flips between color and red
02 - Failure - cycles colors and brightness fading
03 - Leia - pale green
04 - March - sequence timed to Imperial March
05 - Single Color - single hue shown
06 - Flashing Color - single hue on and off
07 - Flip Flop Color - boards flip back and forth - similar to march
08 - Flip Flop Alt - other direction of flips on back board, front is same to flip flop
09 - Color Swap - switches between color specified and inverse compliment color
10 - Rainbow - rotates through colors over time
11 - Red Alert - shows color specified
12 - Mic Bright - brightness of color specified back on mic input
13 - Mic Rainbow - color goes from default specified through color range
14 - Ligts out - slowly turn off all LEDs
15 - Display Text
16 - Text Scrolling Left
17 - Text Scrolling Right
18 - Text Scrolling Up
19 - Roaming pixel
21 - Vertial scan line
22 - Fire
23 - PSI style color wipe between two colors
99 - Random

C - color designator

1 - Red
2 - Orange
3 - Yellow
4 - Green
5 - Cyan (Aqua)
6 - Blue
7 - Purple
8 - Magenta
9 - Pink
0 - Default color on alarm / default to red on many effects / color cycle on march / ignored on failure and rainbow

S - speed or sensitivity (1-9 scale) with 5 generally considered default for speed

Flip Flop and Rainbow - 200ms x speed
Flash - 250ms x speed
March - 150ms x speed
Color Swap - 350ms x speed
Red Alert - sets mic sensitivity - as a fraction of speed / 10 - we recommend 3
Mic Bright - sets minimum brightness - fraction of speed / 10

NN - 2 digit time length in seconds

00 for continuous use on most
00 for default length on Leia
Not used on March or Failure

Some sequence examples:

Note: Leading 0s drop off as these are long ints
Solid Red: ~RTLE51000
Solid Orange: ~RTLE52000
Solid Yellow: ~RTLE53000
Solid Green: ~RTLE54000
Solid Cyan: ~RTLE55000
Solid Blue: ~RTLE56000
Solid Purple: ~RTLE57000
Solid Magenta: ~RTLE58000
Solid Pink: ~RTLE59000
Alarm (default): ~RTLE10500
Failure: ~RTLE20000
Leia: ~RTLE30000
March: ~RTLE40500
March (Red Only): ~RTLE41500
Flash (Yellow): ~RTLE63500
Color Swap (pink): ~RTLE99500
Rainbow: ~RTLE100500
Red Alert: ~RTLE111300
Mic Bright (Green): ~RTLE124200
Mic Rainbow (Cyan): ~RTLE135000

~RTLE54008 - solid green for 8 seconds
~RTLE63315 - flashing yellow at slightly higher speed for 15 seconds
~RTLE30008 - leia effect for only 8 seconds


JawaLite Command Information:

The Logic of Logic Displays:

Developer Notes:

Calculate HSV Color Values:

Explanation of how "Tween" colors are implemented:

Libraries Used


Firmware for the WReactor32 boards







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  • C++ 68.6%
  • C 30.7%
  • Makefile 0.7%