Julian's Development Container 'Features' A fine selection of new or enhanced Features. |
Welcome to yet another DevContainer Features repository! This repository extends the official ghcr.io/devcontainers/features
main repository and contains a collection of features to enhance your development environment within a DevContainer.
You may learn about Features at containers.dev, which is the website for the dev container specification.
Below are the features currently available in this repository:
Feature Name | Description | Documentation |
Cascadia Code | Cascadia Code font. | 📚 Link |
CLI Microsoft 365 | CLI for Microsoft 365 is a cross-platform CLI that allows users on any platform to manage various configuration settings of Microsoft 365. | 📚 Link |
Codespaces Dotfiles | Install dotfiles in GitHub Codespaces using devcontainers.json . |
📚 Link |
PnP.PowerShell | PnP PowerShell is a cross-platform PowerShell module that allows users on any platform to manage various configuration settings of Microsoft 365. | 📚 Link |
PowerShell Extended | Installs PowerShell on AMD64 and ARM64 architectures, with optional resources from the PowerShell Gallery via PSResourceGet. Includes a custom Oh-My-Posh terminal prompt theme and profile files. Supports advanced installation options. | 📚 Link |
'Features' are self-contained units of installation code and development container configuration. Features are designed to install atop a wide-range of base container images.
To reference a Feature from this repository, add the desired Features to a devcontainer.json
. Each Feature has a README.md
that shows how to reference the Feature and which options are available for that Feature.
The example below installs thepowershell-extended
feature declared in the ./src
directory of this
See the relevant Feature's README for supported options.
The :latest
version annotation is added implicitly if omitted. To pin to a specific package version
(example), append
it to the end of the Feature. Features follow semantic versioning conventions, so you can pin to a major version :2
, minor
version :2.0
, or patch version :2.0.0
by specifying the appropriate label.
"features": {
"ghcr.io/jpawlowski/devcontainer-features/powershell-extended:2.0.0": {
"version": "7.4"
This repository will accept improvement and bug fix contributions related to the current set of maintained Features.
Learn more about how to create a pull request at the GitHub documentation page.