First try with Unity3D, Blender and VR.
This is a repository for my first try on Unity 3D V2020.1 + Oculus Quest VR Headset following a tutorial series called Introduction to VR in Unity and Blender V2.8.3.
As I am unsure on what I want to make in the end and as I have no experience with C#, take it easy when checking this project regarding best practices on the framework and language.
Progress Preview
What is looks like in Unity:
and Blender:
Tasks for the game Base:
- Configure Project and create a plane and 3d scene objects
- Configure user Input and XR Controller component + hand presence
- Make a teleportation system
- Implement Continuous movement, camera snap and gravity falling
- Grab Interaction
- Ray Interaction
- GUI to interact with the user somehow (maybe a menu to control some overall settings)
- Blender-> Unity: UV Unwrapping & baking texture as shown here
- Snap position
- Two hands handling
Tasks for the game design:
- Install a 3d Modelling SW such as blender and check some turorial like this
- Make a simple model and import it to Unity like this
- Figure it out why some materials look ugly in unity (?) and deal with texture/ material baking (?) like shown here
- Animate a model and import it to Unity (Awesome and realistic bow animations /s)
- Haven't gone so far yet so what is the point here :)
Cloning instructions: As the live preview (game window on Unity) using the Oculus quest is only possible with oculus link compatible platforms, this project will be done on a windows (w10-1909) machine. However it can be cloned into a Linux machine (The game can only be tested generating an .apk in this case).