A bao game field/playboard csv generator
baoGen is a bao game field/playboard generator.
Using the command line, muliple fields (up to 100) with variing field widths (power of 2) and a custom set of playstones can be generated.
baoGen2 (uses default settings)
baoGen2 p32 f16 b10
or anything like: "baoGen2 p24"
The program tells you if something is wrong.
which translates to:
'p' : Amount of playstones (Default: 32 = 'p32')
'f' : Amount of fields per player, diviseable by 2 (Default: 16 = 'f16')
'b' : Amount of playboards to create (Default: 10 = 'b10')
Not all switches have to be used. All playboards are saved then to 'playboard.csv'.
##How it works baoGen places randomly the set stones (by default 32) onto the fields (16 by default) of a player. By default 10 playboards are created this way. And during the process those playboards are written out to a file called 'playboard.csv'.
This generator was written for the 3rd coding competition @ www.ngb.to