This was a 24 hours challenge. The purpose of the application is to store CSV files, with a list of contacts information. I attach you the pic of the front end. The ER Diagram that was generated by reverse engineering using MySQL Workbench. All of the tables was generated using Laravel Migrations.
This app connects to S3 aws bucket. All the csv files are saved in aws.
You need to sing up. The app have the option with two factor Google authenticator.
You can also test it in live!!
You can create you own account or use the below account:
- email:
- password:
- 12345678
- Composer 2.1.6
- MySQL 8
- Laravel 8.57
- ES3 AWS account
- PHP 7.4
Clone the repo locally:
git clone
cd Contacts
Install PHP dependencies:
composer install
Install NPM dependencies:
npm ci
Build assets:
npm run dev
Setup configuration:
cp .env.example .env
Generate application key:
php artisan key:generate
Use your Login MySQL credentials
Run database migrations:
php artisan migrate
php artisan serve