A GUI based multi converter tool in JAVA. The tool helps:
- to convert between various number systems
- conversions between Romans to Arabic numbers
- to Encode/Decode URLs
The application also supports data from/to database and text files. This project was developed as a part of 2nd year mini project assignment.
- Compile the program. The project is build in jdk1.7.0. Make sure you have jdk1.7.0 installed before you proceed. Compile the file naem "Mendak.java" using the following command in command prompt: javac Mendak.java
Ignore the warnings it shows. Now proceed to Step 2.
- Run the application Enter the following command in the command prompt to execute and run the application: java Mendak
The application will now run and you may start using the converter for your personal non commercial purposes.
Any feedbacks and suggestions are welcomed at jskrnbindra@gmail.com.