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PacioFS Python

Build Status

PacioFS is a tamper-proof file system under development at the Zuse Institute Berlin ( (PacioFS java / C++,

We aim to design a distributed file system for the digital archival of financial documents compliant to German regulations.

Current Status and Roadmap:

This repository is a prototype under development and should not be used in deployment.

  • tamper-proof: any participant can detect unauthorized changes to the file system
  • multi-user: multiple users can concurrently use the system
  • multi-volume: supports multiple volumes
  • permissioned access / group membership: dynamic groups (join, leave) and permissioned (voteaccept, votekick)
  • complete version history: the entire file-history is accessible
  • fault-tolerant: data is protected against loss
  • distributed, scalable, low latency, high throughput, etc.
  • test and clean

Docker Installation

The recommended way to install PacioFS Python is via Docker. To build the docker image, see deployment/docker/

Alternatively, use the pre-built image from docker hub at jonasspenger/paciofspython.


Run the image locally, using privileged (at your own risk) to enable mounting FUSE locally. This allows the container to have root capabilities on the host machine.

docker run \
  --rm \
  -it \
  --privileged \
  jonasspenger/paciofspython \

It is convenient to run the image locally and execute a benchmark:

docker run \
  --rm \
  -it \
  --privileged \
  jonasspenger/paciofspython \
  sh paciofspython/tests/benchmarks/;

Or, to run the unit tests and integration tests.

docker run \
  --rm \
  -it \
  --privileged \
  jonasspenger/paciofspython \
  python3 -m unittest discover paciofspython/tests/unittests -v;
docker run \
  --rm \
  -it \
  --privileged \
  jonasspenger/paciofspython \
  python3 -m unittest discover paciofspython/tests/integrationtests -v;

For an example of the outputs please refer to the latest build at

Local Installation

  • Multichain:

    cd /tmp
    tar -xvzf multichain-2.0.6.tar.gz

    Move to bin folder: cd multichain-2.0-release && mv multichaind multichain-cli multichain-util multichaind-cold /usr/local/bin;

    Move to bin folder: mv multichaind multichain-cli multichain-util multichaind-cold /usr/local/bin Or, add to path: export PATH=$PATH:XXX/multichain-2.0-dev/ If you get message: dyld: Library not loaded, try reinstalling openssl: brew reinstall or brew reinstall openssl

  • Python:

    • Install the required python3 packages: pip3 install -r requirements.txt


Run PacioFS on local machine, mounting directory mnt to vol, using FIFO-order tamper-proof broadcast protocol (and creating a local multichain instance):

python3 paciofs/ --logginglevel=DEBUG --paciofslocal-mountpoint mnt --paciofs-volume vol --paciofs-fileservervolume vol fotb --multichain-create=True

Example usage:

timeout 1m python3 paciofs/ --logginglevel=DEBUG --paciofslocal-mountpoint mnt --paciofs-volume vol --paciofs-fileservervolume vol fotb --multichain-create=True &
sleep 15
cd mnt
echo hello > world.txt
cat world.txt
cd ..
umount mnt

Run PacioFS as a client and server, mounting mnt on client to vol on server, connecting to server host localhost and port 8765:

python3 paciofs/ --logginglevel=DEBUG --paciofs-volume vol --paciofs-fileservervolume vol --paciofsserver-host localhost --paciofsserver-port 8765 fotb --multichain-create=True
python3 paciofs/ --logginglevel=DEBUG --paciofsclient-mountpoint mnt --paciofsclient-host localhost --paciofsclient-port 8765

Run PacioFS connecting to existing blockchain at address chainname@host:port, for example chain@

python3 paciofs/ --logginglevel=DEBUG fotb --multichain-chainname chain@;

To show the help message, and for more information on settings, set -h as an argument.

python3 paciofs/ -h
python3 paciofs/ fotb -h
python3 paciofs/ totb -h
python3 paciofs/ -h
python3 paciofs/ -h

Tests and Benchmarks

Run all unit tests:

python3 -m unittest discover tests/unittests -v

Run all integration tests:

python3 -m unittest discover tests/integrationtests -v

Run specific test:

python3 -m unittest tests.integrationtests.test_multichain -v
python3 -m unittest tests.integrationtests.test_paciofs -v
python3 -m unittest tests.integrationtests.test_paciofslocal -v
python3 -m unittest tests.unittests.test_multichain -v
python3 -m unittest tests.unittests.test_kvstore -v
python3 -m unittest tests.unittests.test_paciofs -v

Run all benchmarks:

sh tests/benchmarks/

Benchmarks currently not supported by PacioFS:

sh tests/benchmarks/
sh tests/benchmarks/
sh tests/benchmarks/

PacioFS Design

The architecture consists of three layers.

Reliable FIFO-Order Tamper-Proof Broadcast

The file system (PacioFS) communicates state-changes via the broadcast module. The broadcast module ensures both the reliable and FIFO-order delivery, and uses the blockchain to achieve tamper-proof communication and communication history.

Currently, PacioFS uses the local file system for management of the file system, and the broadcast for tamper-proof communication of the state changes.

Implements: Tamper-Proof File System, instance fs

- Reliable FIFO-Order Tamper-Proof Broadcast, instance bc
- Disk (local file system), instance disk

upon event < fs, Init | volume > do
  this.volume = volume
  servers = { }  // set of permissioned servers: pid
  map = { }  // map: obfuscated_msg -> msg
  log = [ ]  // list: pid, epoch, txid, obfuscated_msg, msg
  trigger < bc, Broadcast | "JOIN", this.volume >

upon event < fs, FSAPI-* | arg1, arg2, ... > do
  returnvalue = disk.*( arg1, arg2, ... )
  if * changes state do
    msg = ( *, arg1, arg2, ... )
    obfuscated_msg = obfuscate( msg )
    map[ obfuscated_msg ] = msg
    trigger < bc, Broadcast | obfuscated_msg >
  trigger < fs, FSAPI-*-Return | returnvalue >

upon event < bc, Deliver | pid, epoch, txid, msg > and msg = "JOIN", volume do
  if volume is this.volume do
    if accept( join_pid ) do
      trigger < bc, Broadcast | "VOTEACCEPT", pid, volume >

upon event < bc, Deliver | pid, epoch, txid, msg > and msg = "LEAVE", volume do
  if volume is this.volume do
    trigger < bc, Broadcast | "VOTEKICK", pid, volume >

upon event < bc, Deliver | pid, epoch, txid, msg > and msg = "VOTEACCEPT", vote_pid, volume do
  if volume is this.volume do
    if pid in servers or servers is empty do
      servers = servers \/ { vote_pid }  // add pid to accepted servers

upon event < bc, Deliver | pid, epoch, txid, msg > and msg = "VOTEKICK", vote_pid, volume do
  if volume is this.volume do
    if pid in servers do
      servers = servers \ { vote_pid }  // remove pid from accepted servers

upon event < bc, Deliver | pid, epoch, txid, msg > do
  if pid in servers and pid is do  // if I broadcast message
    unobfuscated_msg = map[ msg ]
    log.append( pid, txid, msg, unobfuscated_msg )

  else if pid is in servers  // if message from other known server
    repeat until success  // success if get unobfuscated_msg from remote server
      random_pid = random_choice( servers )  // randomly choose a server
      unobfuscated_msg = remote_get(pid, msg)  // get unobfuscated msg from remote server
      if random_pid not responsive or unobfuscated_msg is not obfuscate(msg) do
        trigger < bc, Broadcast | "VOTEKICK", random_pid, this.volume >
    log.append( pid, txid, msg, unobfuscatedmsg )

upon event < fs, AuAPI-1 > do  // auditing API-1: verify integrity of file system
  verify( disk, log )

- obfuscate: pseudo-anonymize data (salt hash data)
- verify: check if disk is consistent with the tamper-proof records found in log
- pid: signature public key
- epoch: block number
- txid: transaction id
- 'this' syntax similar to C++, e.g. this.x retrieves the object instance variable x
- accept: function that accepts (returning true) or rejects (returning false) a new pid
- voteaccept, votekick: 1 vote from permissioned node is enough to accept or kick


  • Format source code: black *
  • Generate requirements: pipreqs . --force


Tamper-proof fault-tolerant distributed file system







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