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50x speedup in redtoreg function
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jswhit committed Jan 19, 2024
1 parent 25d733b commit d9f0c5f
Showing 1 changed file with 50 additions and 62 deletions.
112 changes: 50 additions & 62 deletions src/pygrib/_pygrib.pyx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ __version__ = '2.1.6'

import numpy as np
cimport numpy as npc
cimport cython
import warnings
import os
from datetime import datetime
Expand All @@ -14,59 +15,60 @@ from numpy import ma
import pyproj

def _redtoreg(object nlonsin, npc.ndarray lonsperlat, npc.ndarray redgrid, \
object missval):
convert data on global reduced gaussian to global
full gaussian grid using linear interpolation.
cdef long i, j, n, im, ip, indx, ilons, nlats, npts
cdef double zxi, zdx, flons, missvl
cdef npc.ndarray reggrid
cdef double *redgrdptr
cdef double *reggrdptr
cdef long *lonsptr
nlons = nlonsin
nlats = len(lonsperlat)
npts = len(redgrid)
if lonsperlat.sum() != npts:
msg='size of reduced grid does not match number of data values'
raise ValueError(msg)
reggrid = missval*np.ones((nlats,nlons),np.double)
# get data buffers and cast to desired type.
lonsptr = <long *>
redgrdptr = <double *>
reggrdptr = <double *>
missvl = <double>missval
# iterate over full grid, do linear interpolation.
n = 0
ctypedef fused my_type:

def _redtoreg(cython.Py_ssize_t nlons, my_type[:] redgrid_data, long[:] lonsperlat, my_type missval):
cdef cython.Py_ssize_t nlats = lonsperlat.shape[0]
cdef cython.Py_ssize_t i,j,n,indx,ilons,im,ip
cdef my_type zxi, zdx, flons
if my_type is float:
dtype = np.float32
elif my_type is double:
dtype = np.double
reggrid_data = np.empty((nlats, nlons), dtype)
cdef my_type[:, ::1] reggrid_data_view = reggrid_data
indx = 0
for j from 0 <= j < nlats:
ilons = lonsptr[j]
flons = <double>ilons
for i from 0 <= i < nlons:
for j in range(nlats):
ilons = lonsperlat[j]
flons = <my_type>ilons
for i in range(nlons):
# zxi is the grid index (relative to the reduced grid)
# of the i'th point on the full grid.
zxi = i * flons / nlons # goes from 0 to ilons
im = <long>zxi
zdx = zxi - <double>im
if ilons != 0:
im = (im + ilons)%ilons
ip = (im + 1 + ilons)%ilons
# if one of the nearest values is missing, use nearest
# neighbor interpolation.
if redgrdptr[indx+im] == missvl or\
redgrdptr[indx+ip] == missvl:
if zdx < 0.5:
reggrdptr[n] = redgrdptr[indx+im]
reggrdptr[n] = redgrdptr[indx+ip]
else: # linear interpolation.
reggrdptr[n] = redgrdptr[indx+im]*(1.-zdx) +\
n = n + 1
zdx = zxi - <my_type>im
im = (im + ilons)%ilons
ip = (im + 1 + ilons)%ilons
# if one of the nearest values is missing, use nearest
# neighbor interpolation.
if redgrid_data[indx+im] == missval or\
redgrid_data[indx+ip] == missval:
if zdx < 0.5:
reggrid_data_view[j,i] = redgrid_data[indx+im]
reggrid_data_view[j,i] = redgrid_data[indx+ip]
else: # linear interpolation.
reggrid_data_view[j,i] = redgrid_data[indx+im]*(1.-zdx) +\
indx = indx + ilons
return reggrid
return reggrid_data

def redtoreg(redgrid_data, lonsperlat, missval=None):
redtoreg(redgrid_data, lonsperlat, missval=None)
Takes 1-d array on ECMWF reduced gaussian grid (``redgrid_data``), linearly interpolates to corresponding
regular gaussian grid (given by ``lonsperlat`` array, with max(lonsperlat) longitudes).
If any values equal to specified missing value (``missval``, default NaN), a masked array is returned."""

if missval is None:
missval = np.nan
datarr = _redtoreg(lonsperlat.max(),redgrid_data,lonsperlat,missval)
if np.count_nonzero(datarr==missval):
datarr = ma.masked_values(datarr, missval)
return datarr

cdef extern from "stdlib.h":
ctypedef long size_t
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -211,20 +213,6 @@ def tolerate_badgrib_off():
global tolerate_badgrib
tolerate_badgrib = False

def redtoreg(redgrid_data, lonsperlat, missval=None):
redtoreg(redgrid_data, lonsperlat, missval=None)
Takes 1-d array on ECMWF reduced gaussian grid (``redgrid_data``), linearly interpolates to corresponding
regular gaussian grid (given by ``lonsperlat`` array, with max(lonsperlat) longitudes).
If any values equal to specified missing value (``missval``, default NaN), a masked array is returned."""
if missval is None:
missval = np.nan
datarr = _redtoreg(lonsperlat.max(),lonsperlat,redgrid_data.astype(np.float64),missval)
if np.count_nonzero(datarr==missval):
datarr = ma.masked_values(datarr, missval)
return datarr

def gaulats(object nlats):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1326,7 +1314,7 @@ cdef class gribmessage(object):
missval = 1.e30
if self.expand_reduced:
nx = 2*ny
datarr = _redtoreg(2*ny, self['pl'], datarr, missval)
datarr = _redtoreg(2*ny, datarr, self['pl'], missval)
nx = None
elif self.has_key('Nx') and self.has_key('Ny'):
Expand Down

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