Binder is a Tinder-like app that allows users to meet people for the purpose of studying. Users are able to upload a picture and write a short description that represents themselves. Binder uses location settings to determine nearby users to match with. Matched users will be given a list of suggested meeting locations based on the midpoint between their last known locations and Google Places API, and will be encouraged to arrange a time and location using the e-mail that they registered with. Users will be able to filter their search results based on current location and other preferences.
Create a file called .env at the root folder of the project. Replace Xs with the Firebase config values.
Replace [YOUR GOOGLE PLACES API KEY] with your actual API key in components/SuggestionScreen.js
Run npm install
in your command line to install dependencies in the local node_modules folder.
Run expo start
in your command line to start the app.