This project is created by I.E.U. Juboraj Naofel.
Technologies used: laravel9, ReactJS, Bootstrap5
In order to test this project you should go through these steps below
- In your front-end aplication configure your laravel-backend api base url in the object const BackendApi = { baseurl: ""}, which is in the file "front-end/config/BackendApi.js". If your laravel base url is "" then no configuration needed.
- cd front-end
- npm install
- npm start
Inside .env file,
- ADMIN_MAIL_ADDRESS="" To receive email for new published posts,
- provide SMTP credentials
- DB credentials
- cd laravel-backend
- composer update
- php artisan key:generate
- php artisan migrate
- php artisan db:seed
- php artisan serve
- php artisan schedule:work
- php artisan queue:work