Alpha 7
* Added in-game patch notes (oooo how meta, hello!)
* Added Steam integration (Steam version features only, obviously ...)
* No need to forward IPs on steam!
* New server browser shows games in progress (steam version only)
* Steam Leaderboard integration for Time Trial!
* Added ghost recording for Time Trial:
* As many ghosts as you wish may be enabled
* Personal Best is always recorded as a new ghost, and the fastest time is always enabled by default
* Added sound mixer slider in options menu to reduce or disable sound of ghosts (default 25%) - this acts as a percentage of sound volume
* On Steam version, ghosts are automatically uploaded and retrievable from Leaderboard
* Ghosts can still be shared without steam, IF you can find the file. It must be placed in app data folder,
/StarGoat/FlyDangerous/Save/Records/[levelhash]/[filename].fdr, where levelhash
is the same as the associated record time file. Uh, good luck?
* Added ending screen for Time Trial with next level, retry and medal awards.
* Added new ship camera rig
* 5 camera positions + cycle binding: nose, bonnet, cockpit, external, external-far (default keyboard C or pad Y / triangle)
* Added bindings for rotating the camera or looking around in first person (default numpad arrows)
* Added ability to switch between absolute and relative camera rotation
* Added camera controls toggle button (default unbound, default state ON)
* Added mouse look toggle button (default keyboard M, default state OFF)
* Added mouse look bind type (hold vs toggle)
* Added new Arcade control scheme
* Introduces and enables Auto Rotation by default - this applies pitch, roll and yaw based on orientation and lateral inputs
* Uses an entirely separate binding set - this means you can freely switch between the two but Arcade cannot be customised (except for Y axis invert, as that's just always down to preference)
* Added user on-boarding screen to include a brief explanation
* Added Music
* 5 Tracks + Main Menu
* Music manager handles global music state:
* Fade out on change
* Maintain music on level change if next level is same music track
* Ability to have intro + loop section
* Low pass filter on pause
* Added three new time trial maps
* Added country flag dropdown to profile menu - this is shown in multiplayer, leaderboards and ghosts
* Added third person cam FoV slider alongside first person FoV slider
* Added new Checkpoint 3d model (much larger, circular)
* Added Server Browser (Steam only)
* Added Real-time reflections - quite expensive, low by default. Can be disabled entirely.
* Added Soft Shadows - off by default
* Added text explanations for EVERY. SINGLE. THING. in the options menu. Yes, this was tedious. You're welcome.
* Greatly improved options panel non-mouse navigation - still work to be done here (especially tabs and bindings screen!) but much more usable in general.
* Added UI Cancel navigation behaviour (navigate back one page) in main menu
* Ability to set max angular velocity in dev options
* Added new test GPU foliage terrain - performance feedback welcome please!
* Added Free Cam system
* This is NOT a finished feature and was built primarily to capture game footage for a trailer but it's here if you wanna play with it.
* Bindings are no configurable - press F5 to toggle.
* WASD / Gamepad left stick: Move
* Arrows / Gamepad right stick / Mouse : Orientation
* Space, Ctrl / Gamepad triggers: Height
* R / Gamepad north face button: Lock orientation to face ship
* Pause Break / Gamepad start: Freeze time
* -/+ / Gamepad shoulders: increase or decrease movement speed
* Pre-calculate terrain on time trial load (all terrain near checkpoints is pre-loaded)
* This should drastically reduce stuttering but with the trade-off that more is being rendered at any one time. Performance feedback welcome on this please!
* Replaced basic light trails with GPU physics smoke particles based on thrust
* Replaced space dust particle sprites with velocity-dependent line particles
* Tweaked layout of lobby + time trial menus
* Converted ray check to box check for checkpoint collision
* Thruster luminance capped at minimum 50%
* Rotational torque tweaks for a more responsive flight model - feedback welcome here!
* Doubled rotational torque
* Reduced rotational flight assist force (30% interpolation zone => 100% interpolation zone)
* Rotational flight assist max rotation speed increased by 50% (3 rotations / sec)
* Removed the "glass" renderer for UI elements - it was very expensive for very little gain, UI elements (e.g. mouse widget) are now always drawn on top
* Update to Unity 2021.2 (bold or stupid? you decide)
* All supported Gamepads + Joysticks can now be used in main menu UI navigation (still some work to do here, navigation in options menu is awful and may get stuck on textboxes etc)
* Incorrect shadows on terrain worlds (light source below the generated terrain meant no shadows - fixed by making terrain two-sided for shadow generation)
* Thruster lights emitters now respects user color selection
* G force indicator now correctly calculates individual axes
* Updated Unity Input System, should resolve issues with certain HID joysticks (e.g. Virpil) with weird path descriptors
* Boost sfx occasionally being mistimed / too fast
* Axis dead zones failing to save
* Axis dead zones not respecting defaults (0.05) unless overridden by user
* Optimisations around component lookups in update loops (yes I was lazy and yes I paid the price, shut up)
* Were you getting occasionally faster times for the first checkpoint? You probably weren't going mad: converted all game-critical timers to fixed-physics-frame tick counters.
* Fixed mouse position being tied to HMD orientation in VR pause menu
* Thruster UVs rendering incorrectly (rendering both sides)