CodeIgniter4 Boilerplatecompanies CRUD MVC contain capture, Name RFC 'TAXID Mexican', upload logo, key certificate FIEL and CSD, settings EMail, invoice Dominican Republic switch
- PhpCfdi\SatCatalogos
- julio101290/boilerplatelog
- hermawan/codeigniter4-datatables
composer require phpcfdi/sat-catalogos
composer require hermawan/codeigniter4-datatables
composer require julio101290/boilerplatelog
composer require julio101290/boilerplatecompanies
php spark boilerplatecompanies:installcompaniescrud
php spark boilerplatelog:installlog
Add SAT Catalogos Factory and use global variabes from conection DNS with SQLite
namespace App\Controllers;
use CodeIgniter\Controller;
use CodeIgniter\HTTP\CLIRequest;
use CodeIgniter\HTTP\IncomingRequest;
use CodeIgniter\HTTP\RequestInterface;
use CodeIgniter\HTTP\ResponseInterface;
use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;
use PhpCfdi\SatCatalogos\Factory;
* Class BaseController
* BaseController provides a convenient place for loading components
* and performing functions that are needed by all your controllers.
* Extend this class in any new controllers:
* class Home extends BaseController
* For security be sure to declare any new methods as protected or private.
abstract class BaseController extends Controller
* Instance of the main Request object.
* @var CLIRequest|IncomingRequest
protected $request;
* An array of helpers to be loaded automatically upon
* class instantiation. These helpers will be available
* to all other controllers that extend BaseController.
* @var array
protected $helpers = [];
public $catalogosSAT;
public $unidadesSAT;
* Be sure to declare properties for any property fetch you initialized.
* The creation of dynamic property is deprecated in PHP 8.2.
// protected $session;
* Constructor.
public function initController(RequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response, LoggerInterface $logger)
// Do Not Edit This Line
parent::initController($request, $response, $logger);
// Preload any models, libraries, etc, here.
// E.g.: $this->session = \Config\Services::session();
$dsn = "sqlite:".ROOTPATH."writable/database/catalogossat.db";
$factory = new Factory();
$satCatalogos = $factory->catalogosFromDsn($dsn);
$this->catalogosSAT = $satCatalogos;
- Download and uncompress the file
- Put in the folder writable/database/catalogossat.db
You can find how it works with the read code routes, controller and views etc. Finnally... Happy Coding!
Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.
Contributions are very welcome.
This package is free software distributed under the terms of the MIT license.