It is Halloween decoration project: image of ghost changing intensity of its elements brightness controlled by Attiny85 chip. Ghost body is presented by two LED Flexible Silicone Neon-Like 1 Meter Ice Blue LED Strips. Face elements (eyes an mouth) showed by four white LED backlight large modules. All these components can be found at
Project is powered by 12 V DC power supply (at least 2A output needed). 12 V required to power up LED strips. Chip and backlight modules are powered by 5 V which is produced out of 12 V by step down power module based on LM2596. Attiny85 controls backlight LED modules directly. For control of silicone strips I added NTE196 npn transistor (it is probably an overkill but it is only what I could find at local Fry's store. I think any npn transistor with output current > 1.6 A will fit).
Programming was done by Atmel Studio 7.0 in C language. Adam Dunkels protothread macros used as the core. Fuse CKDIV8 was cleared so CPU frequency is 8 MHz.