Basically check SOCKS5 Proxy is currently passed online or not. If it is passed then check the SOCKS5 Proxy ping.
If you need help implementing this, feels free to dm me at discord junssekut#4964 or join my discord server.
The output of the script would be:
Creating your custom config:
local config = {
--- This is required for proxy to get added.
credential = {
--- Bot GrowID.
name = 'name',
--- Bot Password.
password = 'password'
--- Webhook to send the informations into.
webhook = '',
--- Use punctuationMark or not when sending webhook messages,
--- using punctuationMark will cause the message to be formatted like
--- below.
--- 'ip:port:user1:name1',
--- 'ip:port:user2:name2'
punctuationMark = true,
--- File names, not necessary to change.
passed = 'proxy_passed.txt',
not_passed = 'proxy_not_passed.txt',
detail = 'proxy_detail.txt',
--- Your SOCKS5 Proxies list.
proxies = {
--- Delays are in milliseconds ( 1000 milliseconds is 1 second )
delays = {
--- Delay per proxy check.
check = 5000
Add this code inside your script (online fetch):
--- Fetch the online script and load it.
local saraProxyChecker = assert(load(_G.request('GET', ''))())
--- Initialize with your custom config!
Add this code inside your script if you want it offline or locally:
--- 'saraProxyChecker-obf.lua' must be the same folder as Pandora.
local saraProxyChecker = require('saraProxyChecker-obf')
--- Initialize with your custom config!