Dotfiles are stored using GNU Stow
- Config Install
git clone $HOME/.dotfiles
cd $HOME/.dotfiles
stow . --adopt
git restore .
- pacman packages
pacman -S --needed - < $HOME/.dotfiles/pkglist.txt
- Flatpak
flatpak install -y $(cat flatpaks.txt)
- Firewall
sudo ufw enable
- Various Services
sudo systemctl enable bluetooth
sudo systemctl enable sddm.service
sudo systemctl enable tailscaled
sudo systemctl start tailscaled
sudo tailscale set --operator=$USER
sudo systemctl enable docker.service
sudo systemctl enable containerd.service
rustup default stable # prereq
- mise
- tpm (Use ~/.config/tmux/plugins/tpm)
- SDDM Sugar Light Theme
- Docker post-install
- For minimal Ubuntu, follow these steps
# Packages
xargs sudo apt-get -y install < $HOME/.dotfiles/apt-pkglist.txt
# Neovim stable ppa is too far behind, unstable to too far ahead
# too lazy to build from source, and this works fine imo
sudo snap install nvim --classic
# Go isn't necessary, but it is enabled by default in Neovim LSP conf
# Mason-lspconfig will complain if go is not installed
sudo snap install --classic go
# in a similar vein
mise install # for global node (also prereq for some lsps)
- For Alacritty, you may need to downgrade the config toml file
- Top level import for theme
- [] -> [shell]
sudo update-alternatives --config x-terminal-emulator
Ensure Literation Mono font is installed before syncing with dconf
dconf load / < $HOME/.dotfiles/ubuntu-config.txt