This repository contains the list of tasks to be completed by the new hires.
Each task is a markdown file contained in the tasks directory with a yaml
frontmatter (a format used by jeykll).
The frontmatter of a
file can contain the following attributes:
- title: (required) Used as the title of the issue on GitHub. The title is used as the unique key when syncing updated tasks with existing issues.
- assignees: (optional) Assign or reassign the issue to the github usernames specified. Existing assignees will not be removed on sync if the field is not provided.
- labels:(optional) When provided and the issue does not have any labels
this list of labels will be added to the issue. Labels will be dynamically
created with the default grey color if they don't already exist on the
repository. If you desire to reset the labels for each issue, run
with the--reset-labels
Tasks should be synchronized using the sync_issues
tool. Install via:
gem install sync_issues
Then synchronize to one or more GitHub repositories via:
sync_issues /path/to/tasks/directory bboe/repo1 appfolio/repo2
New issues will be created according to lexicographic filename order when an issue doesn't already exist with a matching title as specified in the file's frontmatter. Existing issues will be updated if necessary.
on Mac
brew install graphviz
dot -Tpng -o dependencies.png