This is the repository containing a set of commits which improve the non-functional properties (NFPS) of android applications. Please cite the following paper if you make use of this dataset:
How Do Android Developers Improve Non-Functional Properties of Software? James Callan, Oliver Krauss, Justyna Petke, and Federica Sarro. Empirical Software Engineering. Accepted for publication.
These commits were elicited with keyword selection and manual analysis. Other commits were obtained through the use of an automatic classifier.
The repositories Manually mined were:
The classifier mined repositories in which at least one commit was found to improve a non-functional property can be found below, the full list of classifier mined repos can be found in the allmined.txt file:
Tables containing the number of commits found improving nonfunctoinal propertieds in each repository can be found in the tables.pdf file
The repository is structured as follows:
Manual/Automaic/Both : All commits grouped by NFP and repository. Either only manually mined, automatically mined, or both
ByRepo: Commits split by repository in whoich they were found
Repository Name: Repository containing commits
executionTime.txt: Execution Time improving commits
memory.txt: Memory improving commits
bandwidth.txt: Bandwidth improving commit
frameRate.txt: Frame rate improving commits
Categories: Commits group by category of improvement
Scripts: A repository cotaining python scripts used to mine commits.
classifier : The automatic commit classifier and the results of our experiments, as described in the appendix of the paper
NOTES Empty files are present where no commits of that group were found.