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2D Hitbox System - Godot Plugin

Hitbox and Hurtbox components for 2D Godot games. This is a simple yet useful system for attacks, environmental damage, and more.


  • Attach a Hitbox and/or Hurtbox to your entity's Scene and attach a CollisionShape2D or CollisionPolygon2D to components.

  • Select the components attack_source and/or takes_attacks_from properties in the editor.

  • Connect the hit and hurt signals to your entity's Script so you can use the data passed by the signals.


You can make use multiple hitboxes for different attacks and change their Collision's disabled property inside your animations.

You can also disable the player's hurtbox to give them a brief immunity after getting hit, and enable it after a timer expires.

How it works

This system tries to be as generic and reusable as possible. It notifies when your attack hits, or when something is hit, and then passes relevant data forward alongside the signal.

  • Both Hitbox and Hurtbox components are simply Area2D Nodes, so you have to attach a CollisionShape2D or CollisionPolygon2D to them.

  • They export flags for choosing the attack source and the entity that is getting attacked, like "Player" and "Enemy" for example. You can customize the layer names in Project > Project Settings > General Tab > Layer Names > 2D Physics.

  • They will emit hit and hurt signals, passing forward relevant data that other Nodes can consume however they see fit.


The Hitbox Node also exports an attack_data Resource. This gives us flexibility to choose whatever method we see fit for representing our attack data (check out the Command Pattern).

You could add a premade custom resource, or you could create it programatically as well:

class_name AttackData
extends Resource

var damage: int
# You could also add other properties to your attack like knockback strength, critical hit, etc.
class_name Player
extends CharacterBody2D

var strength := 5
var weapon_damage := 5
@onready var hitbox: Hitbox = $Hitbox

func _ready() -> void:
	var player_attack_data =
	player_attack_data.damage = self.strength + self.weapon_damage

	hitbox.attack_data = player_attack_data

The hit signal passes the owner of the hurtbox (the entity getting hit) as an argument.

For example, the player could gain experience per successful hit that would be higher or lower based on the Enemy's level.


The Hurtbox just has its hurt signal, which will pass the hitbox attack_data forward.

For example, since the hurt entity would know the power of the attack from the attack_data, it could take its own defense into account before calculating the total damage taken.


MIT License. All rights reserved © 2023 JV Vogler.


Hitbox and Hurtbox components for 2D Godot games.






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