This app simulates a bank with basic operations: Withdraw
and Deposit
. Also, it allows to create multiple accounts
and save them in a list.
It was built using only Java, meaning the app doesn't have a database connection, so all data is lost after the app is
closed. I may be adding a database connection later on.
When the application starts it shows this menu:
1 - Criar conta
Creates an account and it only requires a name.
2 - Acessar conta
If you want to log in to your account. It requires the account number.
3 - Sair do programa
Closes the application.
1 - Sacar
Allows you to withdraw the money.
2 - Depositar
This option allows you to Deposit into your account.
3 - Saldo
Shows the account's balance.
4 - Extrato
Here you can consult the account's transaction logs.
5 - Sair
Logs out of the account.