Releases: jwiesel/sfdcCommander
Releases · jwiesel/sfdcCommander
sfdcCommander 0.5
Version highlights
- Upgraded to salesforce API version 39
- Various bug-fixes from previous version
Windows and DEB installer might be added later
sfdcCommander 0.4
Version highlights
- Graphical User Interface
- Now all command line actions can be executed via a simple GUI which is optimized for Linux (Gnome) and Windows Look&Feel
- Org-Backup
- Implemented different Data Types in local copy based on
- Added support for sObjects with more than 2000 records
- Metadata Retrieval
- Added support for large Orgs (more than 10.000 metadata entities)
- Standardized connection handling for Partner-Connections & Metadata-Connections
- System-Docu
- Fixed broken Links
- Operating System specific installer packages
- Since this version sfdcCommander is provided in three different versions: Portable (.zip), Windows (.msi), Linux (.deb)
- Various Bugfixes
sfdcCommander 0.3
Version highlights
- Better stability: Exception handling concept implemented throughout the application --> meaningful error messages instead of java exceptions
- Better compatibility to Linux file-systems (standardized sorting)
- Better file-handling: including first automated tests
- TechDocu updates: small UI-improvements + bugfixes (e.g. printing of entity lists)
- Further bugfixes (e.g.)
- Property "target.username" was used in version 0.2 instead of "sf.username"
- login-url reimplemented (support for
sfdcCommander 0.2
Second Release: Mainly enhancing the TechDocu
- Several new entities and sub-entities integrated
- Print functionality for single pages (after the Pop-Up opens press "Ctrl+P" or "Print")
- direct links to all resources (e.g. Object > Account) which can be shared with others
- Better Look&Feel
- Expand-All feature for nested tables
- BugFix of empty object-pages
sfdcCommander 0.1
- First release
- support of API version 34 (Metadata-API and Partner-API)
- Metadata-Download without package.xml and build.xml
- automatic generation of a detailed system documentation
- and many more. Check out the wiki!