This readme details a custom zombies mod for Quake 4 as a midterm for a Game Modification class at NJIT. Mod by Jordan London.
- Clone this repository
- Use master branch
- Move Custom_Mod folder found in the gamemodq4 folder to your local Quake 4 folder (the folder containing q4base)
- Run Quake 4
- Select "mods" at the bottom left of main menu
- Select "custom_mod". Quake 4 should reboot.
- Select "New Game" after main menu appears again.
- Standard Quake 4 movement controls
- Press ` to bring up console. Then type "startmod" to start the mod.
- First zombie wave is 3 zombies. Each following wave adds 3 extra zombies.
- Kill all the zombies in a wave to move to the next wave.
- Shooting a zombie gives you 10 points, killing a zombie gives you 100 points.
- As you accumulate points, press "y" to open up the shop. You can then press 1 or 2 to open either the perk shop or the gun shop. For each respective shop you can press its designated number button to purchase the perk/gun if you have enough points.
- Purchasing a perk automatically applies it to your player. Purchasing a gun will spawn it in front of the player. If you run out of ammo, purchase the same gun again.
- Monsters spawn in waves
- Limit player to 2 weapons at a time (UNSUCCESSFUL)
- Point system, show total points after death, use points to buy perks/guns, show point changes with UI
- Modify all weapons
- Create 8 different perks
- Code compiles without extra warnings
- Mod project is in a separate self contained folder (Custom_Mod it is named)
- Github Repo contains README explaining how to play and see deliverables
- Shortcut to automatically launch mod
- UI update reflecting feature of mod (points and wave counter)
- JUGGERNOG (2500 pts) : Maxes out player's health to 200
- STAMINUP (2000 pts) : Gives player a speed boost
- DOUBLETAP (2000 pts) : Gives player increased fire rate on all weapons (though it can be hard to notice on some)
- JUMPER (2500 pts) : Allows player to jump super high
- ONESHOT (4000 pts) : Zombies die instantly when shot
- NUKEM (5000 pts) : Kills all zombies currently alive in a wave
- DOUBLEPTS (3000 pts) : Points are doubled
- ALLUCANAMMO (4500 pts) : Gives player unlimited ammo
- Added a “numAttacks” definition for easily modifying the number of projectiles that spawn per attack
- flashlightRadius: 400 to 0
- Recoil time: 100 to 50
- Charge time: 1000 now to basically disable charge mode
- Fire rate: 10 to .2
- spread : .2 to 0
- Def_hitscan: hitscan_blaster to hitscan_bullet
- Changed audio to machine gun’s audio
- Changed muzzle flash effect to machine gun’s muzzle flash
- flashlightRadius: 400 to 0
- recoilTime: 145 to 60
- fireRate: .1 to .02
- Spread: 2 to 1
- zoomFov: 50 to 80
- zoomHideCrosshair: 0 to 1
- Starting ammo increased
- Spread: 6
- numProjectiles: 3
- Starting ammo increased
- Grenadelauncher.def
- Firerate: 0.1
- numProjectiles: 3
- Projectile speed: 1200
- Starting ammo increased
- Projectile bounce: 5
- fireRate: 0.2
- Spread: 3
- hitscans: 5
- Projectile change to nail
- Starting ammo increased
- Projectile changed ot blaster to make it cooler
- fireRate: .01
- Spread: 5
- numProjectiles: 20
- drumSpeed: .01
- Starting ammo increased
- fireRate: 2 to .5
- Spread: 30
- numProjectiles: 5
- Starting ammo increased
- Projectile Speed: 250 to 500
- flyEffectAttenuateSpeed: 200 to 450
- Firerate: .3
- Spread: 10
- numProjectiles: 10
- Push: 100000
- Starting ammo increased
- Firerate: 0.2
- Projectile bounce: 1
- Projectile speed: 3000
- numProjectiles: 3
- hitScan range: 100000
- hitScan push: 100000
- Starting ammo increased
- Removed lightning effects
- Made it look like a mini gun by applying machine gun effects
- Spread increased
- Range decreased
- Starting ammo increased
- Added muzzle flash from machinegun
- Wrote custom method to rotate blade to face forward direction so muzzle flash looks like a laser beam
- Changed the angle at which the blade rotates