I am an information technology student major in web and mobile technologies development. I also have a strong passion in data analysis and data science. Among my notable projects in data analysis is an automated time series forecasting, which incorporates LLM to provide context-specific explanations for the results and built using the Laravel framework. In data science, my notable project includes a sentiment analyzer, a web application built using Streamlit framework. I have a strong understanding of the fundamentals of C++
, Java
, and Java
. I use Python
extensibly to work on data projects. More importantly, I am committed to making meaningful contributions to our world.
🔭 I'm currently working on:
- Improved version of Automated time series forecasting
- Forecast on either univariate or multivariate time series data.
- Analyze time series data in terms of its trend and seasonality patterns.
- Add a collaborative feature to allow different users to work on the same forecasting project.
🧑🔬 I am also a DOST Scholar. I took satisfaction in creating softwares that have science-related applications.
I'm always looking to collaborate on exciting projects and ideas, so please feel free to reach out over LinkedIn or email me at junjunzaragosa2309@gmail.com
📓 I write blogs relating to the software projects that i am working on or machine learning topics that interest me.
⚡ Read my posts about:
- Extracting Climatic Historical Data from Google Earth Engine using Python API for a Specific Land Area
- Using LLM to Generate Data for D3.js Force Directed Graph (FDG)
- Naïve Approach to Combining Time Series Data
- Hacked! What We Can Learn from the Biggest Corporate Breaches in 2023
- Finding Similar Protein Sequences with BLAST in Python
- Sentiment Analyzer: Natural Language Processing Web Application
- Stocks & Market Index Correlation Analysis
- Analysis of Philippine Stock Exchange Index’s (PSEi) Performance Over the Year Using Python
- Predicting Compresive Strenght of Concrete Using Machine Learning
- Using Large Language Model to Provide Context-Specific Explanation to Time Series Forecast