- Fork or clone the repository.
- create 1.9.3 gemset
- run 'bundle'
- create postgres database
- run 'rake db:migrate'
- startup rails application- 'rails server'
- hit 'locahost:3000' on the browser
- Login with '' and 'password'.
- Next, Navigate to 'Orders' menu item.
- Click on 'Upload CSV' action button.
- Browse for a CSV file on you machine and click 'submit'.
- CSV should be uploaded and you should be able to see the uploaded data in a table.
- 'Total Gross Revenue' is also visible on the sidebar.
- You can use the hyperlink in the result table to view specific data items.
- Access the file in doc/domain-model.zargo.
- Download ArgoUML to view the model.
- 15min - Domain Model
- 20min - Project setup
- 90min - Development
- 20min - Heroku Cloud Deployment
- 15min - Documentation