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Release slidev


This repository manage my slidev resources.

Open in GitHub Codespaces

Write and deploy a slide

  1. Run npm install
  2. Run npm run new and specify a name of directory (e.g.:my-slide) to create new sub-project
    • npm run new command will create my-slide/ and my-slide/public/
    • my-slide/ is an entry point for slidev. (Filename must not be changed because its name is hardcoded in some scripts in package.json)
    • Static files in my-slide/public can be refered from slide
      • e.g.: my-slide/public/image.png can be refered as /image.png from my-slide/
  3. Commit subdirectory (e.g.: my-slide/) and create a tag with the name of the directory (e.g.: my-slide)

Set up environment to write a slide

This repository has devcontainer setting, so you can create Codespace from Your Codespaces and write slidev on it.

There are two kinds of devcontainer.

Configuration Description
Slidev Dev Use
Slidev Dev (ja) Slidev Dev + cjk font (fonts-noto-cjk)

Enable OGP on GitHub Pages (Experimental)

Adding githubPages.ogp=true to frontmatter enables OGP on GitHub Pages.

  ogp: true

Parameters of OGP are from a front-matter in slidev entry file.

ogp property front-matter default value
og:title title Slidev Presentation
og:type - website
og:url - ${url_ghpages}
og:image - ${url_ghpages}/preview.png
og:description info (empty)

Preview image of og:image is generate from the first page of PDF file.

When encounting font issue

If your slide encounters font issue, you need to add a step to install your language's font to the release action.

For example (to install Japanese font):

      contents: write
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Install Japanese font            # Insert these 2 lines
        run: sudo apt install -y fonts-noto    #     to install Japanese font
      - uses: actions/checkout@v3


This repository is licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for the full license text.