This is a social media app which requires a user to register and login to use. A user can post projects with description of the project. The project can be reviews and rated by their peers and friends alike. A user can also follow or unfollow other users. Users can also access contact info of users on their profile page and see there contact information. The app also contains two end points for user profiles and projects.
- This endpoint return all the user profiles with information such:
- Username
- Bio
- User Project Posted
- Profile Picture
- Bio
- Location
- This endpoint return information pertaining to all the projects posted in the application such as:
- Project Screenshots
- Project Name
- Description
- Date Posted
- Upvotes
- Python 3
- Django
- Text editor eg Visual Studio Code
- Postman
- Fork the repo
- Create a new branch in your terminal (git checkout -b improve-feature)
- Install the prerequisites
- Make appropriate changes in file(s)
- Run the server to see the changes
- Add the changes and commit them (git commit -am "Improve App")
- Push to the branch (git push origin improve-app)
- Create a Pull request
- Open the folder location on terminal and use the following command to run app:
pip install -r requirements.txt To install all requirements
$ python3 runserver Then run server with the above command
Or you can access the web application directly via this LINK.
Django-Heroku Python-Decouple Whitenoise pillow Django-Admin Django-Registration Django-UUIDField Dj-Database-Url Cloudinary Django-Rest-Framework
Python 3 MdBootstrap HTML CSS Django 3 JavaScript Jquery
Email : Slack : Anita Kahenya
MIT License Copyright (c) 2020 Anita Kahenya