This repository serves as a directory that helps you easily navigate through my other repositories and view the various projects I have completed.
A - C - D - E - F - G - K- P - R - S - U
- Analyzing-NYC-Public-School-Test-Result-Scores -Data analysis and visualisation automation. [Python]
- ChitongaASR - A natural language processing and machine learning project for a low resource langauge in Zambia. []
Designing-a-Bank-Marketing-Database -Data cleaning and providing a structure for a client to create a PostgreSQL database for bank marketing. [PostgreSQL]
Drone-Swarm-Programming Drone swarm programming for Tello Drones. [Python]
- Excel-Automation Microsoft Excel automation done using python. [Python]
- Fraud-Detection - My solutions for the fraud Detection in Electricity and Gas Consumption Challenge. [Python]
- Glim - An e-commerce website. [HTML, CSS & Vanilla JavaScript]
- KafkaApplication - simple producer-consumer kafka application. [Kafka]
- kalinda-contact-card - My personal contact car. [GatsbyJS, Sass]
- Predicting-Customer-Credit-Scores - a ml model that predicts customers credit score. [Python]
- rock-paper-scissors - A game of rock-paper-scissor. [HTML, CSS & Vanilla JavaScript]
- studycircle - an app that connects university students with study groups and verified tutors for personalized academic support. [HTML, CSS & Vanilla JavaScript]
- Upwork-gigs - A folder that contains code to upwork gigs I have done.