The main concept of the project is to create a model that can predict the type of review. The data set concerned reviews exported from London Hotels. I started the project with a small data set and I realised that the data were unbalanced, I had a big difference between the positive and the negative reviews and just a few neutral comments. The model was able to identify the positive comments, but the main problem was with the negative and neural order to solve this issue I used a bigger data set which had more negative comments in order to improve the prediction model. After that, I used an evenly distributed technique to balance the positive and negative reviews, and I chose to focus in these two review categories aiming to develop a model that I could earn over than 90% accuracy.
Python Version: 3
Packages: pandas, numpy, sklearn, pickle
Firstly, I created a class which helped me with the review text and the customer rating. After that, I used the vectorizer method to convert the text to numeric type, I splitted the data into train and test, with a test size of 33%.
I tried 3 different models
• Decision Trees
• Logistic Regression
The model that performed better was the SVM. I trained the model and I earned an accuracy over than 98%, certainly I didn't stop and I computed the cross validation scores that showed an overfitting model. In order to overcome this issue I implemented a Grid Search to find a suitable boundary for the C parameter.
Above are the F1 scores of the tree classification models with unbalanced data.
For the first data set:
• SVM P:0.83, N:0.56
• Decision Trees P:0.80 N:0.29
• Logistic Regression P:0.83 N:0.56
Using a bigger data set, an evenly distributed distribution in order to balance the positive with the negative reviews and identifying a proper value for the C parameter, the F1 scores were at a satisfactory level.
• SVM P:0.90, N:0.91