clj-protocol enables declarative definition of network protocols and binary formats.
Full API Documentation (generated with codox) is available here.
clj-protocol is primarily designed for use in ClojureScript (due to stronger host networking interfaces), however, the core libraries also support Clojure (JVM).
Install dependencies and then start a REPL either using shadow-cljs or node babashka (nbb):
cd clj-protocol
npm install
npx shadow-cljs node-repl
# OR
npx nbb -cp src
If you are using Clojure (JVM) then you can use leiningen to start a REPL:
cd clj-protocol
lein repl
Require some clj-protocol namespaces:
cljs.user=> (require '[protocol.platform :as platform])
cljs.user=> (require '[protocol.fields :as fields])
cljs.user=> (require '[protocol.header :as header])
Define binary data in a Buffer (or java.nio.ByteBuffer) that we will read/parse:
user> (def buf (platform/buf-from [0x61 0x62 0x63 0x64]))
Define a data format spec that specifies two 8-bit unsigned integers followed by two 16-bit unsigned integers:
cljs.user=> (def spec1 [[:f1 :uint8] [:f2 :uint8] [:f3 :uint16]])
Use that spec and big-endian field readers to parse the buffer:
cljs.user=> (prn (header/read-header-full
buf 0 {:spec spec1 :readers fields/readers-BE}))
{:f1 97, :f2 98, :f3 25444}
Parse using the same spec but using little-endian field readers:
cljs.user=> (prn (header/read-header-full
buf 0 {:spec spec1 :readers fields/readers-LE}))
{:f1 97, :f2 98, :f3 25699}
Define an alternate data format spec that specifies a single fixed length (4 byte) UTF-8 encoded string and then use that to parse the buffer:
cljs.user=> (def spec2 [[:s1 :utf8 {:length 4}]])
cljs.user=> (prn (header/read-header-full
buf 0 {:spec spec2 :readers fields/readers-BE}))
{:s1 "abcd"}
Define an alternate spec that species a 4-byte bitfield containing three fields: a 7-bit unsigned integer field, a 1-bit boolean field, and a 24-bit unsigned integer field.
cljs.user=> (def spec3 [[:f1 :bitfield {:length 4
:spec [[:b1 :int 7]
[:b2 :bool 1]
[:b3 :int 24]]}]])
cljs.user=> (prn (header/read-header-full
buf 0 {:spec spec3 :readers fields/readers-BE}))
{:f1 {:b1 48, :b2 true, :b3 6447972}}
Use the same bitfield spec to encode different values into a buffer starting at offset 2:
cljs.user=> (def msg {:f1 {:b1 5, :b2 false, :b3 16}})
cljs.user=> (def buf2 (header/write-header-full
nil msg 2 {:spec spec3 :writers fields/writers-BE}))
cljs.user=> (prn (platform/buf->vec buf2 0))
[0 0 10 0 0 16]
The project includes five working examples:
- A DHCP client
- A DHCP server that uses an IP lease pool
- A DHCP server that uses direct MAC to IP mapping and that supports multiprocess parallel workers
- An ICMP/ping client
- A pcap file parser
Build the examples:
npx shadow-cljs compile simple-client dhcp-server ping-client read-pcap
DHCP simple client - Run a DHCP client on eth0. Listening on port 68 requires elevated permissions. WARNING: this will attempt to update your IP address on eth0 if it receives a successful response from a server.
sudo node ./build/simple-client.js --if-name eth0
DHCP pool server - Run a DHCP server on eth0 that allocates from a pool and stores the leases in a JSON file. This will listen for DHCP DISCOVER/REQUESTS and assign addresses from the pool.
sudo node ./build/pool-server.js eth0
DHCP mac2ip server - Run a DHCP server on eth0 that does direct MAC to IP assignments (defined in the config file) and runs 5 parallel worker processes.
sudo node ./build/mac2-ip-server.js -processes 5 --if-name eth0 --config-file mac2ip.json
ICMP/ping client - Use the ping client to demonstrate ICMP protocl reading/writing. Elevated permissions are required to send/receive ICMP packets.
sudo node ./build/ping.js
pcap file parser - Use the pcap file parser to print the header and records from the example pcap file.
node ./build/read-pcap.js test/example.pcap
Build and run the tests:
npx shadow-cljs compile test
chmod +x build/*.js
node build/test.js
If you are using Clojure (JVM) then run tests using leiningen:
lein test
Use docker-compose and conlink to launch a self-contained network environment that runs the DHCP client, server, and ping client.
cd test
docker-compose up --force-recreate --build
- Context should be passed to any internal reader/writer calls.
All public functions in the protocol
namespaces have docstrings that
describe the API.
You can use leiningen to generate codox documentation in docs/www
like this:
lein codox
- add signed int value types ?
- :lookup -> :tlv-lookup ?
Run the following on NixOS to get the required node modules (pcap and raw-socket) installed to be able to run the ping and and dhcp commands:
rm -r node_modules
nix-shell -p libpcap --run 'npm install'
This software is copyright Viasat, Inc and is released under the terms of the Eclipse Public License version 2.0 (EPL.20). A copy of the license is located at in the LICENSE file at the top of the repository.