This repository contains a full demo system and documentation describing an approach and a set of tools for developing and testing complex multi-service networked systems. There are two primary themes of the approach which are embodied in the tools: data-defined and containerized.
The tools include:
- docker compose: data-defined container services
- conlink: data-defined container networking
- mdc: data-defined service group (module) composition
- resolve-deps: data-defined module dependencies
- dcmon: data-defined system status
- clj-protocol: data-defined protocols
- instacheck: data-defined generative tests
- dctest: data-defined test-suites
In addition all the tools (apart from docker compose) are implemented primarily in Clojure. However, Clojure knowledge is not required to make use of these tools.
Here is a presentation about the approach and tools. The presentation uses reveal.js (press [space] to progress). Most of the text content is in the speaker notes (press [s] to bring up the speaker mode with notes.
Host system requirements:
- docker and docker-compose
- node and npm
Checkout this repo recursively:
git clone --recursive
cd data-defined-systems
Install conlink npm dependencies:
for f in conlink dcmon dctest; do (cd $f && npm install); done
Add bin/
directory to the PATH either directly or via direnv:
export PATH=$(pwd)/bin:$PATH
# OR
eval "$(direnv hook bash)"
direnv allow .
Configure and start up the "dhcp" mode:
mdc dhcp
docker compose up --force-recreate --build
Monitor the system startup status:
Query the current users (using simple wrapper that adds JSON header and formats JSON output):
CURL localhost:8000/users
Create a new user:
CURL localhost:8000/users/ -X POST -d '{"name":"Carol","email": ""}'
Update an existing user:
CURL localhost:8000/users/1 -X PUT -d '{"email": ""}'
Shutdown and fully remove all containers and volumes:
docker compose down --remove-orphans --volumes -t1
Configure and start up "dhcp" mode and then scale it to 3 "api" replicas:
mdc dhcp
docker compose up --scale api=3 --force-recreate --build