This cross-platform Note Taking CRUP app leverages Kotlin Multiplatform and Jetpack Compose Multiplatform to deliver a consistent user experience across Android and iOS devices.
- Android Studio - For Android development and project management.
- Xcode(Optional) - For iOS development and project management.
- JDK - Required for Android development.
- Kotlin Multiplatform Plugin- In Android Studio, select Settings/Preferences | Plugins, search Marketplace for Kotlin Multiplatform, and then install it.
- Open the project in Android Studio.
- Connect your physical device or open an emulator.
- Run the gradle command below from Android Studio terminal to build and install the android application on the connected android device/emulator.
./gradlew installDebug
- Navigate to Run -> Edit Configurations in the Android Studio main menu.
- Click the plus sign and select iOS Application.
- Give the configuration a descriptive name then locate and select the app-ios.xworkspace file in the app-ios module.
- Select the desired iOS simulator from the execution target list.
Some of the libraries and tools used in this project include:
- Jetpack Compose Multiplatform: The UI framework used to build the application's user interface across platforms.
- Kotlinx Coroutines: Enables asynchronous programming for non-blocking operations.
- Koin: A dependency injection framework for managing dependencies across your application.
- SqlDelight: A Kotlin-based SQL database library with support for both Android and iOS.
- Kotlinx Serialization: Facilitates data serialization and deserialization in a format-agnostic way.