Single Page Resume is a single-page Vue.js application that allows users to select a template design for a single page resume and enter their relevant details. The app features a user-friendly interface that allows users to browse through different templates and choose the one that suits their needs. Once the user has selected a template, they can easily fill in the necessary fields with their personal and professional details. The app is designed to make it easy for users to create a professional-looking resume quickly and efficiently, with all the necessary sections and fields already built into each template. Overall, Single Page Resume is a useful tool for anyone who needs to create a single page resume in a hurry, without having to worry about the formatting or design.
- Full Name
- Address Line 1
- Adrress Line 2
- City
- Post Code
- Telephone
- Url link 1 - website
- Url link 2 - github
- Bullet points
- Company Name
- Location
- Job Title
- Date Started
- Dated Finished
- Brief detail
- Bullet points of responsabilies
- Instistution
- Location
- Qulification
- Date started
- Date finished
- Brief detail
- Project Title
- Date Completed
- Brief detail
- Bullet points