Hello there!
The purpose of this repository is for me to upload my p5.js code and showcase it.
If you have any questions, please let me know via email: fatyga.karol@gmail.com
Below URL links to some of my projects:
- Minimum spanning tree using Prim's algorithm, click to add new nodes
- Mapping recent earthquake data API
- Drawing trails of objects created via mouse click
- Mitosis simulation
- Greyscale pixelated video feed from your devices' camera [REQUIRES YOU TO ALLOW THE CAM USAGE WHEN PROMPTED]
- Brightness mirror based on the video feed from you device [REQUIRES YOU TO ALLOW THE CAM USAGE WHEN PROMPTED]
- Checkbox mirror based on the video feed from your device [REQUIRES YOU TO ALLOW THE CAM USAGE WHEN PROMPTED]
- Applying blur to a video feed using seriously.js [REQUIRES YOU TO ALLOW THE CAM USAGE WHEN PROMPTED]
- [WIP] Maze generator with backtracking
- Diffusion reaction over time, the chemicals are fed in 5 places
- Sockets - code required to share the canvas among the clients via the server with sockets - requirements are node.js, express.js and socket.io not uploaded in that folder
- Visualization of 1D Perlin noise
- Visualization of 2D Perlin noise
- Visualization of 3D Perlin noise, Perlin noise flow field
- A mass of goop visualized with the use of Perlin noise
- Checking object intersecion of every bubble in the array
- [WIP] Asteroids
- Fractal tree with the use of recursive function
- Fractal tree object oriented
- Fractal tree generated using Lindenmayer system (L-System)
- Fractal tree generated using space colonization algorithm
- Mandelbrot set
- Julia set
- Superellipse
- 2D supershape visualization
- Fireworks generator
- Smart rockets - genetic algorithm
- Phyllotaxis
- Diastic algorithm
- Interacting with text on a single word basis
- Word counter
- Markov chain applied to a piece of text
- Traveling salesman problem with brute force
- Traveling salesman problem with the use of lexicographic ordering
- Traveling salesman problem with the use of genetic algorithm
- Term frequency - Inverse document frequency
- Text sentiment analysis with AFINN-111 - the issue is it only looks at raw words, not context
- Simple random walker
- Vector based random walker with Levy flight
- Rose patterns
- Attraction and repulsion - click to add the source
- Steering behavior
- Breadth first search - random list of countries with animal names (does not make sense but the algorithm does)
- Minesweeper
- Conway's Game of Life
- 10PRINT - pick an image
- Simple clock design
- Matrix rain
- Spring physics
- Spring menu design
- Steering behavior with evolution
- Snow
- [WIP]Particle system
- 2048
- Ripple effect
- Circle packing
- Quadtree - click on the canvas to add points
- Quadtree point detection
- Calculating/optimizing collisions with quadtree vs each object against each object
- Color contrast predictor with neural network
- Neuroevolution with flappy bird
- Lissajous curves
- Sorting visualization
- Barnsley fern fractal with dots
- A* search algorithm in pathfinding & not optimized - if the beginning or end is walled off just refresh
- Snowflake generator using Brownian tree