A collection of utility scripts to help automate and simplify various Proxmox VE administration tasks.
Location: template-importer/
Automates the process of downloading, customizing, and importing cloud images as Proxmox VM templates. Features include:
- Support for multiple Linux distributions (Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, Rocky Linux, AlmaLinux, etc.)
- Dynamic storage selection
- Image customization via
- Cloud-Init template configuration
- Optional EFI support
Location: post-install/
Streamlines the post-installation configuration of a Proxmox VE system with features like:
- Automatic NTP configuration based on detected country
- Subscription notice removal
- Repository optimization
- LLDP configuration
- Intel microcode updates
- High Availability service management
- System package updates
Location: intel-vgpu-enablement/
Automates the setup of Intel vGPU (SR-IOV) on Proxmox VE systems. Supports:
- Automatic driver installation and configuration
- GRUB configuration for vGPU support
- System preparation for SR-IOV operation
- Proxmox VE .x or later
- Root access or sudo privileges
- Internet connection
- Basic understanding of Proxmox administration
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit pull requests or create issues for bugs and feature requests.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the individual script directories for specific details.
These scripts are provided as-is without warranty. Always test in a non-production environment first and ensure you have proper backups before running any automated scripts.