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Parser for Protocol Buffers in Go.

The parser dynamically parses the serialized protocol buffer bytes and inspect fields without unmarshaling into a Go struct first. This parser is fast, since it does not allocate any memory.

This can be used to dynamically inspect serialized protobufs or create a filter for protobufs stored on disk.


Given a protocol buffer:

syntax = "proto3";
package mypackage;


message mymessage {
  string myfield = 1;
  int64 otherfield = 2;

We can marshal it and store it on disk or pass it over a TCP connection to another process:

import ""

func NewMarshaledMyMessage() ([]byte, error) {
	msg := &Mymessage{Myfield: "myvalue"}
	return proto.Marshal(msg)

The new process can construct the parser for the marshaled bytes:

import (

func NewMyMessageParser(marshaledMyMessage []byte) (parser.Interface, error) {
	mymessageParser, err := proto.NewParser("mypackage", "mymessage")
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if err := mymessageParser.Init(marshaledMyMessage); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return mymessageParser, nil

We can then use the parser to decode only myfield and skip over other fields and return "myvalue":

func GetMyField(p parser.Interface) (string, error) {
	for {
		// Next parses up to the next field.
		if err := p.Next(); err != nil {
			if err == io.EOF {
			} else {
				return "", err
		// String returns the field name.
		fieldName, err := p.String()
		if err != nil {
			return "", err
		if fieldName != "myfield" {
		// Down traverse into the field, so we can get to the field value, which could be another message.
		// Next should always be called after Down, since it needs to start parsing the first field.
		if err := p.Next(); err != nil {
			if err == io.EOF {
			} else {
				return "", err
		// String can also be used to return values of type string.
		// It returns an error if this is called on a non string type, like int64.
		return p.String()
	return "", nil

For more details on how to use the parser's methods like Next, Up and Down see the Parser Interface.

Known Issues

This is a online parser, which does not allocate memory, which means it cannot support certain protobuf features:

  • The parser does not return defaults or proto3 zero values. It will simply skip fields if they are not present in the serialized data.
  • Parsing of merged fields will result in those fields being returned twice, instead of once. You can use NoLatentAppendingOrMerging to check that the serialized data does not contain merged fields.