web project
API *all routes expect /login, /home and /logout require session cookie which would be set by the server after successfull login
- html form
- type: GET
- type: POST
- x-www-form-urlencoded fields: 'username', 'password'
- return: {token: value}
- if error: sends status 401 and 'Unauthorized' text message
- logout and redirect to /welcome
- type: GET
- type: GET
- html view
- type: GET
- params: photoId (can be acessed via /list (_id property) or - after uploading)
- return: of binary image data. content-Type header is - set to 'image/png' or 'image/jpg'
- get a list of photos of current user
- type: GET
- return: {"result":[ { "id":"58c5da2fd966b2291cee3108", ~~ id of photo (see /download) "sizeKb":122.125, "name":"ZIhqeIICY_8.jpg", "description":"hello there", "date":"2017-03-12T23:30:55.600Z", "userId":"58acbaa0aae9491150b4c4e4" ~~ id of current user }, ... ]}
- uploads a user photo with description
- type: POST,
- form enctype: 'multipart/form-data'
- input1: type='file' name='photo'
- input2: name='description' type='text'
- returns : {success: true, photoId: "58c5da2fd966b2291cee3108"}
- maybe later =) /api/users/delete /api/users/edit /api/users/index /api/users/read