All the software are variations upon a single theme. The theme can be described as follows:
Assume that we have (semi)structured (meta)data in a database or repository of some kind. Then the snippet server is used for performing various operations upon those data.
Examples of such operations are
- returning documents prepared for indexing
- pieces of texts for reading
- image URIs for viewing pages
- pieces of metadata for a detailed presentation
We refer to the store as being the Snippet Server, the data inside it as data and the results returned from the operations as Snippets. The word snippet comes from the fact that it is usually just a part of a document returned.
- all the data is in XML format
- the snippet server functionalities are written in XSLT or Xquery or both
- the snippets are returned in JSON, HTML or XML
The Snippet Server has to support CRUD basic functionalities. The indexing is is currently SOLR and the snippet crud eXist
The data used are stored on github. For example, the Archive for Danish Literature corpus is on
Many of the corpora used are in private repositories.
All of them are in Text Encoding Initiative, TEI for short, markup. This means that they are basically ordered hierarchies of overlapping content objects
An object in the content hierarchy is a work if annotated with metadata. Work units are the ones returned by search engine in the result set. The granularity is an editorial issue. The higher density of metadata annotations the more work nodes there are in a volume and the less text there is in each work, the higher the granularity.
The leaf is the smallest unit of the tree which can be identified and therefore retrievable and possible to index. The user interface gives, for each work in a result set a list of leaf nodes that are relevant for the search. leaf nodes are possible to quote but they do usually not appear in table of contents.
The trunk nodes are contained in work nodes. They may contain
other trunk, work or leaf nodes. It is possible to address a
trunk so it is possible to send a URI to someone and say: Read
chapter 5, it is so good!
The trunk is indexed and searchable in
principle. However, the user interface only support them in table of
contents and quotation services.
A volume is what comes close to a physical book. It contains one or more work nodes. If a volume contains only one and only one work, we refer to it as a monograph.
All text is indexed down to leaf nodes, basically paragraph
level, which implies
- Paragraph in prose: <p> ... </p>
- Speech in drama: <sp> ... </sp>
- Strophe in poetry: <lg> ... </lg>
Hence if a work is five hundred pages we can find paragraphs, speech or strophes relevant to a users search, and provide a means to address them.
We have to have a method to identify text segments and reference and quote them. Both we and our users need that. Here is how we achieve that:
Documents are indexed in a SOLR search engine. The Indexer, our software for loading the search eninge, traverses each TEI document tree creating SOLR documents as it goes.
Before we do that, though, we make sure that every node is identifiable using an ID. I.e., we ensure that each element has an xml:id. The Indexer must check whether a node has metadata annotations, i.e., if it is a work, in which case it has to pick up those. Those data are stored in the TEI header. The convention is that each work carries a reference to its metadata.
Hence, we have a three dimensional space
- document ID
- node ID
- metadata ID
Any thing that should be possible to find for user in the frontend must have a SOLR document; everything that should be possible to reference must have an ID. However, for most practical tasks you only need to take into account the first two.
The document with the following URI as source
will have its user interface on
(1) adl represents the collection, (2) texts-munp1 is short for the file-path, that is directory and and file name. I.e., the file is adl/texts/munp1.xml (3) Finally shoot-workid57881 identifies (contains the node ID) the part of the document containing Gustaf Munch-Petersen's poem søvnen which annotated as being a work.
The same poem can be referred to as a point of a collection of poem, ”det nøgne menneske”
in which case we loose the connection with the metadata annotation to the work søvnen
Since file-paths can be long and hyphens are permitted in an xml:id I separate file-path from node ID with -shoot-; the volume node ends with -root. I.e.,
The installation is more or less automatic. It is using the eXist servers REST API, so all data are sent to the server using PUT requests.
The installation is taking place by copying the data into a build directory in the source tree.
ant -p
show you the targets. The current ones are shown in the tables below.
Ant command | Description | Depends |
ant clean | Delete ./build | |
ant service | Creates ./build/system and ./build/text-retriever. Copies text-service index definition to system all scripts and transforms common for adl, gv and sks into the file system (basically the content of exporters/common) | clean |
ant base_service | Adds functions specific for adl, letters, tfs, gv, and sks | service |
ant other_services | For installing pmm and lhv | service |
ant add_letters | Adds scripts for Danmarks Breve deprecated | |
ant add_letter_data | Adds data for Danmarks Breve deprecated | |
ant add_letters_ng | Adds Danmarks Breve to text-service, i.e., ng as next generation | |
ant add_grundtvig | Copies all gv data into the build area. A complicated task, since it creates an entirely new directory structure and forks external script | base_service |
ant add_base_data | Copies adl, tfs and sks | base_service |
ant add_other_data | Copies data for pmm and holberg | other_services |
ant upload | Installs the text-service backend on Requires password for the user "admin" on that server |
The upload function is implemented as a perl script executed by ant. Requires perl library libwww-perl, available as standard package for Linux or from CPAN.
To install a snippet server on a server with hostname and port number use the following to build and install in the database:
ant service
ant base_service
ant add_base_data
ant upload
Your new snippet server will contain adl, tfs and sks. To set the permissions of all scripts in one go, "retrieve" the following URI
which obviously requires password for "admin" user on
I sets (at least on some eXist installations) the execute permissions on all *.xq files. It doesn't work always, and as of writing this, it is not yet known when and where it works. Then you have to do that manually according to the eXist manual. See your server
The scripts and transforms are in the directory exports. For ADL the following are available
- open-seadragon-config.xq (web service providing JSON for OSD)
- present.xq (general purpose presentation script)
- present-text.xq (a detagger, it extracts raw text from the file)
Most Snippet Server scripts support the following arguments
- doc -- the name of the document to be rendered or transformed
- c -- if there are more sub-collections inside the data set, c is the name of the dirctory where doc is to be retrieved. Default is 'texts' for ADL, other are 'periods' and 'authors'
- path -- the collection, file-path and node ID in the notation described above.
- op -- is the operation to be performed upon the document doc. Possible op are
- 'render' which implies that doc is transformed into HTML. (synonymously using path instead of doc and collection(c))
- 'solrize' which returns a solr <add> ... </add> which is ready to be sent to SOLR. C.f., (Note, we hardly ever use the path notion with the solrize operation)
- 'facsimile' which returns a HTML document with images of the pages. Since we introduced OSD, it is only used for PDF generation. (or synonymously
- 'toc' returns a HTML table of contents or synonymously (
- id -- the id of a part inside the doc which is to be treated. (or
- q -- assuming that 'q' is the query, the present.xq is labelling the hits in the text
Some more examples
Holberg, vol 3, HTML:
Heiberg P.A., Rigsdalers-Sedlens Hændelser, Andet Kapitel. Detagged (plain text):
Den politiske Kandstøber, Actus II
A single 'speak' in that play as HTML
Another TOC for a small work. Note that it TOC is for the volume, however the entry for the work become highlighted in the service
Here is Aakjær, Jeppe RUGEN KJØRES HJEM: The HTML represenation comes from the facsimiles come from which contains everything Open Seadragon need for presenting the images. In json.
These utilities require the presence a local file system with stuff to be loaded.
./indexing/ <options>
where options are
--load <directory>
from where to read files for loading
--get <directory>
where to write retrieved files
--delete <directory with a backup>
the files in that are found in the directory will be deleted from the
database if there exist files with the same name
--suffix <suffix>
file suffix to look for in directory. for example xml
--target <target name>
Basically database name. Default is
--context <context>
Root for the rest services. Default is /exist/rest/db/
--user <user name>
--password <password of user>
--host-port <host and port for server>
Default is localhost:8080
For example --file-list files_to_be_indexed.text \
--user admin \
--password secret \
--host-port localhost:8080 \
--context /exist/rest/db/adl/
will load the xml-files named in files_to_be_indexed.text into a database with base URI
To instantiate a text service, you need the software but also the data.
Published collections
- adl
- (authors and periods, private data)
- (adl corpus, public data)
- gv
- (currently unavailable, used to be in project GV)
- jura
- (public data). Note that there is an extensive apparatus for creating the TEI documents.
- letters Deprecated, see letters-ng
- letters-ng
- (private data)
- lh
- Data comes from a zip file from somewhere.
- sks
- (public data)
- tfs
- (for some odd reason this is private).
For generating the data source for lh and tfs you need
Unpublished demo collections
- lhv (private data)
- pmm (private data)
To add lhv (AKA Ludvig Holbergs Skrifter) would be fairly easy.
The structure of the GV corpus is too complicated for copying using and copying functions and is implemented as an external perl script
which does to essential things: (1) It only ingests the files published according to the GV filter (2) it preprocesses the GV TEI files such that they work with the text-service's indexing and retrieval practices.
The GV filter is just a set of (currently) 442 wildcards we use for copying the files.
It is maintained by the Grundtvig project.
indexing/ \
--file-list=files_to_be_indexed.text \
--param exist_host=localhost \
--param exist_port=8080 \
--param service=adl \
--param op=solrize \
--param solr_host=localhost \
--param solr_port=8983 \
--param collection=adl
This software is dependent on the module URI::Template
sudo cpan -e install URI::Template
- xslt transform all files with
--suffix xml
in the--directory ./periods/
with a style--sheet
indexing/ --sheet exporters/common/preprocess.xsl --directory ./periods/ --suffix xml
- Validate bagit create or validate bagit manifests
- create-bag.rb
- validate-bag.rb