Notes is designed to help you practice using what you learned in this Unit. You will have to use UITableViewControllers, different UIKit elements, segues, outlets, actions, and persistence with NSUserDefaults.
Please fork and clone this repository, then watch the screen recording provided before starting. This will show you what you need to build. Your project must display note items in a table view with, persist note items across app launches using NSUserDefaults, allow the user to "swipe to delete," allow the user to add notes to the list using a detail view, and allow the user to see existing notes using the same detail view. Best of luck.
Students who complete this project independently are able to:
- Identify and use documentation to implement UIKit elements
- Place views on the screen and update their properties
- Identify and describe the role of View Controllers
- Identify and implement different Controls and use control events to execute code
- Identify and implement Navigation Controllers
- Identify, describe, and implement storyboard segues and unwind segues
- Identify, describe, and use Stack Views and basic Auto Layout to place views
- Use size classes to design effectively for multiple devices
- Identify and describe the importance of Table Views
- Use the UITableViewDataSource protocol functions to provide data to an instance of UITableView
- Describe, identify, and implement proper Model-View-Controller principles
- Create a custom class for storing model data
- Store data on and retrieve data from a model controller object
- Identify, describe, and implement the singleton pattern
- Convert a custom model object into a Dictionary
- Convert a Dictionary into a custom model object for use
- Identify and describe what can be stored in plist files
- Persist data between app launches using NSUserDefaults