This is an android app manager. You can install and update apps from within the app, using a JSON link input. Link must be hosted somewhere on a website. You can then add the link to the settings, multiple links can be added.
Add a remote json link in the settings with the following structure:
"name": "Icon Manager",
"apkUrl": "",
"appIconUrl": "",
"version": "1.0",
"packageName": ""
Apps will show up on the home page, you can then install the apk through the app if not installed, or update them when a new version is available. Sends out notifications when apps have update available.
- Open project in Android Studio
- Right click art.mindglowing.app_manager folder and select Refractor > Rename, now choose your package identifier
- Go to Edit > Find > Replace in Files
- In the first input box add: art.mindglowing.app_manager
- In the second input box add: your package identifier you chose before
- Click "Replace All"
- Replace app/res/drawable/logo.png with your own logo to change the logo inside the navigation menu
- Open app/res/values/strings.xml
- Replace "App Manager" with your own app's desired name
- Replace "Mind Glowing - App Manager" with your own desired name for the text in the navigation menu under your logo
- Replace ic_launcher.png files in the app/res/mipmapp folders to change your app icon
- Build APK: go to Build > Build App Bundle(s) / APK(s) > Build APK, you can now locate your generated APK file and install / distribute it