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kennethryerson edited this page Jul 8, 2011 · 1 revision
RHINO_LED                     User Commands                       RHINO_LED

    rhino_led - control the state of the RHINO user LEDs
    rhino_led NUMBER [on|off]
    rhino_led sets the state of the user LEDs connected to the processor on
    the RHINO board.  NUMBER is the user LED number (either 0 or 1).

=========================================================================== RHINO_PWR User Commands RHINO_PWR

    rhino_pwr - control the state of the FPGA power switches
    rhino_pwr [OPTIONS] [on|off]
    With no options specified rhino_pwr prints the current state of the
    power supply switches.  A specific switch can be specified using the
    appropriate option.  If 'on' or 'off' is present, the state of the
    switch is set.
    -all    Get/set the state of all power supply switches. (default)

    -vccint Get/set the state of the VCCINT power supply switch.
    -vccaux Get/set the state of the VCCAUX power supply switch.
    -vccmgt Get/set the state of the VCCMGT power supply switch.

============================================================================ RHINO_MON User Commands RHINO_MON

    rhino_mon - monitor the system power state
    rhino_mon [OPTIONS] [VALUE...]
    rhino_mon interfaces with the RHINO power monitor to read system
    voltages, current, power, and temperatures.  By default rhino_mon reads
    the voltage values for all monitors as well as the system temperatures.
    Individual monitors can be selected by specifying one or more of the
    following VALUEs:
        12V      :  12V supply
        PROC5V   :  5V processor supply
        FPGA1V2  :  1.2V FPGA supply
        FPGA1V5  :  1.5V FPGA supply
        FPGA2V5  :  2.5V FPGA supply
        FPGA3V3  :  3.3V FPGA supply
        FMC2V5   :  2.5V FMC supply
        FMC3V3   :  3.3V FMC supply
        FMC12V   :  12V FMC supply
        PROCT    :  Processor temperature
        FPGAT    :  FPGA temperature
        AMBT     :  Ambient temperature
    -v, --voltage
        Read voltage values
    -c, --current
        Read current values
    -p, --power
        Read power values
    -d, --daemon
        Run the monitor in daemon mode.  Readings are logged to a file.
    -t SECONDS, --time=SECONDS
        Set the period between readings.  Default is 1 second.  If SECONDS
        is zero the monitor takes one reading and returns.
    -l FILE, -log=FILE
        Set the file where readings are logged.  Default is 

============================================================================ RHINO_FAN User Commands RHINO_FAN

    rhino_fan - control the state of the system fans
    rhino_fan FAN_NUMBER [OPTIONS]
    rhino_fan controls the system fans.  With no options rhino_fan outputs
    the RPM of the fan specified by FAN_NUMBER.
        Set the fan duty cycle.  DUTYCYCLE is an integer in the range [0:15]
        where 0=30% duty cycle and 15=100% duty cycle.
    -c, --clear
        Clears fault condition
    -p PULSES, --ppr=PULSES
        Set fan pulses per revolution (1, 2, 4, or 8)
        Set fan fault threshold (increments of 50 RPM)

============================================================================ RHINO_FMC User Commands RHINO_FMC

    rhino_fmc - control expansion cards on the FMC bus
    rhino_fmc FMCID [OPTIONS]
    rhino_fmc FMCID -c [r|w] I2C_DEVICE REGISTER [VALUE]
    rhino_fmc facilitates control of FMC expansion cards on the RHINO
    platform.  FMCID is the identifier of the FMC card (either 0 or 1).
    Run with no options, rhino_fmc shows whether an FMC card is present.
    Using the -c option, I2C commands can be sent to the FMC card.
    I2C_DEVICE is the device address and REGISTER is the I2C register
    on the device.  When r is specified a read operation is performed.
    When w is specified a write operation is performed and VALUE is written
    to the I2C register.
    -e, --enable
        Enables the FMC card at FMCID by switching on the power supplies
    -d, --disable
        Disables the FMC card at FMCID by switching off the power supplies
    -a GA, --address=GA
        Sets the GA bits of the I2C device address
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