zookeeper utility using ammonite
- Java 8
- Scala 2.12
- Ammonite 0.9.5
Installing Ammonite
- Mac - brew install ammonite-repl
- curl - curl -Ls -o /bin/amm https://github.com/lihaoyi/Ammonite/releases/download/0.9.5/2.10-0.9.5 && chmod +x /bin/amm
The zk.sc file provides the functions for accessing a local zk cluster. It assumes "localhost:2181", changes to that can be made to the script. The script imports the twitter util. Specifically the util-zk package. It provides 3 functions; get
, set
, setId
- provides the string value of the path providedset
- will set the string value of the pathsetId
- will add protobuf delimiters to what is expected to be a mesos framework id.
The reason for this script, is the zkCli
client does allow the setting of special characters to a znode (among of limitations). The 0x0a(
is needed as the current prefix to the frameworkID. This is the prefix for Marathon 1.4.3 (and should NOT be used to set previous frameworkIDs).
It is also expected that you have access and auth to zk.
There is No error handling in this script!
You will need to chmod +x zk.sc
getting the value: ./zk.sc get /marathon/state/framework-id/b/id
setting the frameworkID: ./zk.sc setId /marathon/state/framework-id/b/id d8bcce4a-3570-4f65-8c19-35a793e5337e-0001