Read this in other languages: 한국어
- Web server for cosmos-dashbaord UI and Chrome-extensions
- Logic server from Preview or Honeybee(Both are crawler) to MySQLDB
- Combine with honeycomb and MySQL DB by docker compose.
- Flask, CORS
- SQLAlchemy
- Gunicorn
- Docker compose
- K8s (minikube)
- init db engine, session
- Category, IP, Product, ProductHistory, Review, Topic
- Defined Models by SQLAlchemy 2.0 convention
- product match
- update_detail_one
- upsert_review_batch
path parameter or query string
- select_product_history
- select_topic_by_type
- etc
- Connect MySQL DB and Honeycomb server
- kubernetes manifest for Honeycomb server and MySQL DB server
- custom stdlib logger for Honeycomb server.
- js and css from Cosmos-dashboard (TYPESCRIPT + VITE + REACT)
- html from Cosmos-dashboard (TYPESCRIPT + VITE + REACT)