iOS-swift-chat-app - Sample app which helps to integrate CometChat pulse in you app.
CometChat-Pulse iOS Demo app made using CometChat-Pulse iOS SDK is a fully functional messaging app capable of OnetoOne and Group messaging.OnetoOne and Group messaging allows you to send text and various multimedia messages like audio,video,images,documents etc..
Simply Clone the project from iOS-swift-chat-app repository. Install the CometChatPulseSDK inside your project.
Add below into your Podfile on Xcode.
target 'CometChatPulse-swift-sampleApp' do
pod 'CometChatPulseSDK'
Install CometChatPulseSDK Framework through CocoaPods.
pod install
Once the pod is installed. Update the pods to install latest SDK inside your project using below command.
pod update
Now you can see installed CometChatPulseSDK framework by inspecting CometChatPulse-swift-sampleApp.xcworkspace.
To Run to sample App you have to do the following changes by Adding ApiKey and AppId
Open the Project in Android Mode in Android Studio
Go to Under CometChatPulse-swift-sampleApp --> CCConstants.swift
file go toclass
modify APP_ID and API_KEY with your own ApiKey and AppId
static let APP_ID = "XXXXXXXXXX"
static let API_KEY = "XXXXXXXXXX"
You can Obtain your APP_ID and API_KEY from CometChat-Pulse Dashboard
For more information read ios-chat-sdk Documentation
Feel free to make any suggestion or Contribution to the App.
You can Download and Modify the Source code according to your need.
Also you can start directly using the App.