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Quality control data output

Kevin Kovalchik edited this page Jun 28, 2019 · 3 revisions

Making a quality control output file

The output of a quality control file is trigged by the -qc argument in RawTools. Note that -qc must be used in conjunction with -d. These QC commands invoke the X! Tandem search, which is optional.


>RawTools.exe -d [path to directory containing files to qc] -qc [path to the qc output directory to be created] -X [path to xtandem directory] -db [path to a fasta database file for the database search] -fmods 57.0214@C -vmods 15.9959@M -N 1000

Linux and MacOS

$mono RawTools.exe qc -d [path to directory containing files to qc] -q [path to the qc output directory to be created] -X [path to xtandem directory] -db [path to a fasta database file for the database search] -fmods 57.0214@C -vmods 15.9959@M -N 1000

Data output

The output file should resemble the image below when opened in Excel. This is a clipped image due to size restrictions.

The data can be interpreted as described below.

Name Description
DateAcquired The date the raw data file was acquired on.
FileName The path and name of the file processed.
Instrument The name an type of instrument used for the acquisition.
ExperimentMsOrder The highest scan level used in the analysis (e.g. data-dependent MS2 analysis will be listed as Ms2).
MS1Analyzer The type of mass analyzer used for MS1 scan acquisition.
MS2Analyzer The type of mass analyzer used for MS2 scan acquisition.
MS3Analyzer The type of mass analyzer used for MS3 scan acquisition.
TotalAnalysisTime The length of the data acquisition in minutes.
TotalScans The total number of scans present in the raw file across all levels.
NumMS1Scans The number of MS1 scans present in the raw file.
NumMS2Scans The number of MS2 scans present in the raw file.
NumMS3Scans The number of MS3 scans present in the raw file.
MS1ScanRate(/s) The number of MS1 scans acquired per second across the entire acquisition.
MS2ScanRate(/s) The number of MS2 scans acquired per second across the entire acquisition.
MS3ScanRate(/s) The number of MS3 scans acquired per second across the entire acquisition.
MeanDutyCycle(s) The mean length of time required to complete a duty cycle - defined as an MS1 scan and all subsequent triggered dependent MS2 scans.
MeanMs2TriggerRate(/Ms1Scan) The mean number of dependent MS2 scans triggered from an MS1 scan across all MS1 scans present in the raw file.
Ms1MedianSummedIntensity Median of the summed intensities of all MS1 scans across a run.
Ms2MedianSummedIntensity Median of the summed intensities of all MS2 scans across a run.
MedianPrecursorIntensity Median of the intensities of all precursors observed in a run.
MedianMS1IsolationInterference Median of the isolation intereference of all MS2 scans across a run.
MedianMs2PeakFractionConsumingTop80PercentTotalIntensity Median across all MS2 scans of the proportion of all observed peaks in an MS2 scan that equate to 80% of the observed ion signal in a that MS2 (e.g. how many peaks is the MS2 signal spread across - gives a measure of fragmentation efficiency).
NumEsiInstabilityFlags(count) The count of the number of MS1 scans where electrospray instability was observed. An ESI instability event is defined as Instability = Number of MS1 scans whose neighbor differs in signal by >10-fold
MedianMassDrift(ppm) The median of the observed mass errors between detected and calculated peptide masses using the hits from the IdentiPy search.
IdentificationRate(IDs/Ms2Scan) Number of peptide spectral matches as a proportion of the total number of MS2 scans.
DigestionEfficiency Efficiency of enzyme digest. Calculated as digestion efficiency = number of peptides with no missed cleavages / total number of identified peptides.
MissedCleavageRate(/PSM) The mean of the number of missed cleavages observed for each PSM.
[X]_ModificationFrequency Frequency of modification X. There will be a column in the table for each variable modification.
MedianPeptideScore The median hyperscore reported by X! Tandem of all identified peptides across a run.
CutoffDecoyScore The score used as a cutoff when validating PSMs (0.05 FDR).
NumberOfPSMs The number of validated PSMs from the QC search.
NumberOfUniquePeptides The number of unique peptides identified in the QC search.
MedianMsFillTime Median time in milliseconds used for ion injection across all MS1 scans.
MedianMs2FillTime Median time in milliseconds used for ion injection across all MS2 scans.
MedianMs3FillTime Median time in milliseconds used for ion injection across all MS3 scans.
WidthAt10%H(s) The median peak width in seconds at 10 percent of the peak height. Calculated for all precursor peaks in the raw file.
WidthAt50%H(s) The median peak width in seconds at 50 percent of the peak height. Calculated for all precursor peaks in the raw file.
AsymmetryAt10%H The median of peak symmetry measurements at 10% peak height for all precursors observed in an acquisition.
AsymmetryAt50%H The median of peak symmetry measurements at 10% peak height for all precursors observed in an acquisition.
Peak Capacity The calculated peak capacity of the chromatography column used during data acquisition.
TimeBeforeFirstExceedanceOf10%MaxIntensity The amount of time in minutes before the first peaks are observed to elute from the chromatography column. The appearance of peaks is defined by looking for when a threshold of 10% of the total summed intensity of the most intense MS1 scan is exceeded. A moving average with a window of 20 MS1 scans is used to determine when the threshold is surpassed.
TimeAfterLastExceedanceOf10%MaxIntensity The amount of time in minutes after the last peaks are observed to elute from the chromatography column. The appearance of peaks is defined by looking for when a threshold of 10% of the total summed intensity of the most intense MS1 scan is exceeded. A moving average with a window of 20 MS1 scans is used to determine when the threshold is surpassed.
FractionOfRunAbove10%MaxIntensity The fraction of the acquisition where there are peaks eluting. The appearance of peaks is defined by looking for when a threshold of 10% of the total summed intensity of the most intense MS1 scan is exceeded. A moving average with a window of 20 MS1 scans is used to determine when the threshold is surpassed.
IdChargeRatio3to2 The ratio of +3 charge state precursors to those assigned as +2.
IdChargeRatio4to2 The ratio of +4 charge state precursors to those assigned as +2.
SearchParameters The parameters used in the IdentiPy search.