Web Fundamentals是非常好的跨终端WEB学习教程,翻译这系列教程的初衷是作为团队新入职的童鞋和实习生的新人Landing教程。幸运的是伯乐在线一群志同道合的小伙伴也在翻译Web Fundamentals,而且已经有三十多篇文章的产出。与伯乐在线翻译负责人@黄利民沟通后,我决定共同合作,完成这个振奋人心的工作,希望更多小伙伴阅读Web Fundamentals并从中受益。
Web Fundamentals还会有很多英文原文陆续出炉,我们的翻译需要更多有志之士参与其中,有意者请Q我(490483792,备注:翻译Web Fundamentals)。
Web Fundamentals定位为多终端Web开发技术文档中心。志在为当今web开发者建造一个像iOS Dev Center或developer.android.com一样全面且有用的教程。
通过Github的Issues和站点结构与内容清单来查看Web Fundamentals的内容规划。
/appengine - the server to host the static content
/site - the documentation
/getting-started - the getting started articles
/multi-device-layouts - responsive design guide
/introduction-to-media - the guide to using media
/optimizing-performance - the perf articles
/using-touch - managing touch
/showcase - the case-studies
- 安装 XCode Command Line Tools
- 安装 RVM
curl -sSL https://get.rvm.io | bash
- 设置RVM的默认模式为:2.0.0
rvm install ruby-2.0.0-p451
rvm --default use 2.0.0
- 安装 Pygments
easy_install pygments
- 安装 RubyGems 依赖 (Jekyll, Kramdown and Sass)
- cd src/ &&
bundle install
- cd src/ &&
- 安装 Node.js
- 安装 Grunt CLI
npm install -g grunt-cli
The table of contents is generated from src/site/_project.yaml
To parse the _project.yaml
file, include {% injectdata content _project.yaml %}
in the page. You then have access to the variables in the page object.
The table of contents is generated from src/site/_book.yaml
To parse the _book.yaml
file, include {% injectdata content _book.yaml %}
in the page and then iterate as follows:
{% for section in page.content.toc %}
{% endfor %}
- Code import:
{% highlight javascript %} {% include sample1.js %} {% endhighlight %}
{{ articles _category_}}
a list of articles in divs, ordered by the "order" preamble.{{ showcases _category_}}
a list of showcases.